January 1 2025 

The Text Of The Last Message Of Mercy

(Manuscript Melchizedek, King of Salem)


Before there was a star to shine, before there were angels to sing, or there was a heaven, the home of the Eternal, the only God, perfect in wisdom, love and glory, the Eternal lived an eternity before achieving His beautiful dream, the creation of the Universe. 

The countless beings that comprise the creation were all conceived with great affection. From the inner atom to gigantic galaxies, all received His supreme regard. Music lover, God conceived the Universe as a great orchestra that, under His rule, should vibrate harmonious chords of justice and peace. For every creature He composed a love song. 

The Eternal was very happy because His dreams were about to be realized. Moving with majesty, He began His work of creation. His hands first shaped a world of light, and on it a mountain blazing over with fire on which the throne of the Universe would be forever affirmed. The sacred mountain He called Zion.

From the base of the throne, the Eternal brought forth a crystal clear river, to represent the life that would flow from Him to all creatures. As a throne room, He created a beautiful paradise that stretched for hundreds of miles around the Mount Zion. The paradise He named Eden. To the south of paradise, on both banks of the river of life, numerous mansions adorned with precious stones were built, destined for the angels, who were the ministers of the kingdom of light.

Surrounding Eden and the angelic mansions, He built a wall of bright Jasper, along which large pearl portals that could be seen. With joy, He beheld the Eternal Capital as a dream. The city, in its splendor was adorned like a bride, ready to receive her husband. Affectionately, the great Architect named His Jerusalem, the City of Peace.

God was about to bring into existence the first rational creature. It would be a glorious angel, the most honorable of all. Adorned by the brilliance of gemstones, this angel would live on Mount Zion as the representative of the King of kings before the Universe. With much love, the Creator began to mold the firstborn of the angels. All wisdom applied to form them, making them perfect. He tenderly granted His life, to the beautiful angel, like awaking from a deep sleep, opened his eyes and beheld the face of his Maker. With joy, the Eternal showed him the beauties of paradise, telling him of His plans, which were beginning to materialize. When he was led to the place of his abode next to the throne, the prince of the angels was grateful, and with melodious voice, sang his first song of praise. 

From the heights of Zion, the eyes of the beautiful angel discovered Jerusalem, in its immensity and splendor. The river of life, gliding serenely through the city, resembled a broad avenue, mirroring the beauties of the Garden of Eden and the angelic mansions.

Wrapping the firstborn of the angels with His mantle of light, the Eternal began to speak to him of the principles that would govern the universal kingdom. Physical and moral laws should be respected to the fullest extent of the divine government. Moral laws summarized in two principles: to love God above all things, and others, as himself. Each rational creature should be a channel through which the Eternal could well shed more life and light. That way, the Universe would grow in harmony, happiness and peace.

In the kingdom of Yahweh, the laws would not be enforced with rigor; The subjects were free. Obedience should arise spontaneously, in a gesture of recognition and gratitude. In this realm of freedom, disobedience would also be possible. The result of such behavior would be the depletion of vital forces.

After revealing to the beautiful angel the laws of His government, the Eternal entrusted him with a mission of great responsibility: he would be the protector of those laws, and should honor them and reveal them to the Universe about to be created. With a heart overflowing with love for Yahweh and others, he would be a model of perfection. He would be Lucifer, the bearer of light, the prince of angels. Grateful for everything, he prostrated himself before the loving King, promising Him eternal faithfulness.

The Eternal continued His work of creation, bringing into existence innumerable hosts of angels, the ministers of the kingdom of light. The Holy City was populated by these radiant creatures, happy and grateful, uniting their voices in beautiful song of praise to the Creator.

Yahweh now brought into existence the Universe, which, full of life, would revolve around His throne affirmed in Zion. Accompanied by His ministers, he set out for the great accomplishment. After contemplating the immense emptiness, the Eternal raised his mighty hands, and His order, with thunder, reverberated everywhere, causing, as if by magic, countless galaxies, filled worlds and suns – havens of life and joy – all harmoniously turning around Mount Zion.

When witnessing such a great achievement of the supreme King, the angelic hosts prostrated themselves, causing a song of triumph to pass through the illuminated space, in salute to life. The whole Universe joined in this song of gratitude, in promise of eternal faithfulness to the Creator. Guided by the Eternal, the angels came to know the riches of the Universe. In this sidereal tour, they marveled at the immensity of the kingdom of light. Everywhere they found worlds inhabited by happy creatures who received them. The angels greeted them with songs that spoke of the good news of that kingdom of peace.

As precious as life, the freedom to choose, through which creatures could demonstrate their love for the Creator, required a test of loyalty, a proof of faithfulness. With the purpose of revealing it, the Eternal led the hosts through the illuminated space, until they approached an abyss of darkness that contrasted with the immense brightness of the galaxies. In the distance, this abyss had revealed itself insignificant in the eyes of angels, as a blip without light, but as they approached, it was shown in its enormity.

The Creator, who revealed to the angels every step of the mysteries of His kingdom, stood there silent, as if guarding a secret in Himself. In the outer darkness of that abyss consisted the test of faithfulness. Turning to the hosts, the Eternal solemnly affirmed, "All the treasures of light will be open to your knowledge, except the secrets hidden in this darkness. You are free to serve me or not. Loving the light you will be connected to the Source of Life." With these words, Yahweh made a separation between light and darkness, good and evil. The Universe was free to choose its destiny.


The long cherished dream of the Creator becomes reality. Now, as by a loving Father, the creatures are led in an eternity of peace and harmony. Because of compliance with the laws of God, the Universe was expanding into happiness and glory. There was a strong bond of love, with which all strongly united. Rational beings, endowed with the capacity of an infinite development, found unspeakable pleasure in learning the inexhaustible treasures of divine wisdom, and transmitted them to others like them. They were as channels through which the Source of Eternal Life harbored all love and light.

In Jerusalem, the ministers of the kingdom gathered before the sovereign King, always ready to fulfill His purposes. It was through Lucifer that the Eternal made manifest His designs. After receiving a new revelation, he promptly conveyed it to the angelic hosts. These, in turn, shared it with the creation. In swift flying, angels were heading for the capital planets, where, in large assemblies, gathered representatives of the other worlds. In many of these assemblies, Lucifer was present, filling the participants with joy and admiration. Perfect in all virtues, he captivated them with his sympathy. No other angel could reveal, as him, the mysteries of the Eternal Love.

The Universe, feeding from the Fountain of Life, was expanding in an eternity of perfect peace. Obedience to divine law was the foundation of all progress and happiness. While mindful of free will, it never climbed to the heart of any creature's desire to move away from the Creator. So it was for a long time, until this problem erupted in the life of the one who was the closest to the Eternal.

Lucifer, who had devoted his life to understanding the mysteries of light, was gradually drawn to the darkness. The King of the Universe, in whose eyes nothing can be hidden, sadly followed his footsteps descending in the path that leads to death. At first, a little curiosity led Lucifer to approach that deep abyss. Contemplating it, he began to wonder why he cannot understand this conundrum.

Returning to his place of honor beside the throne, he bowed himself to the divine King, beseeching Him, "Father, give me to know the secrets of darkness, like you reveal to me the light." Before the request of the beautiful angel, the Eternal, voice expressive with sadness, said, "My son, you were raised to the light, that is Life. Convinced that the Creator does not reveal the treasures of darkness, Lucifer decided to understand the puzzle by himself. He thought himself able to do so. With this sad decision, the prince of angels allowed to arise in his heart a stain of sin that could bring a catastrophe to the Universe.

Only Yahweh knew what was in the heart of Lucifer. The angel who was created to be the bearer of light, was divorced in thoughts, from the beneficent Creator who, in an effort to prevent the disaster, besought him to stay with Him. A tremendous fight began to catch up in his heart. The desire to know the meaning of darkness was immense, however, the pleading of that loving Father, who he also did not want to lose, tortured him. Seeing the suffering caused by his attitude to the Creator, he sometimes showed repentance, but he returned to fall.

Before creating the Universe, Yahweh had already foreseen the possibility of a rebellion. The risk of granting freedom to creatures was immense, but without this gift, life would be meaningless. The Lord did not want to rule over robots, programmed to do only His will. He wanted obedience that was the result of recognition and love, so He decided to take the big risk.

Yet to continue the search of the meaning of darkness, Lucifer did not intend to leave the light. He strove to achieve a combination of these parts, in the realm of the Eternal that coexisted separately. Finally, with a feeling of elation, he devised a deceptive theory that he aimed to present to the Universe as a new system of government greater than the rule of the Eternal. He called his theory "the knowledge of good and evil." Structured in logic, the science of good and evil has proved attractive to Lucifer, like unveiling a sense of life superior to that offered by the Creator, whose kingdom enabled only experimental knowledge of good.

In the new system, there would be a balance between good and evil, between love and selfishness, between light and darkness. Throughout the time that had matured in his mind the knowledge of good and evil, Lucifer knew to keep it secret from the Universe. He remained at his post of honor, fulfilling the function of the Light Bearer. However, for as much as he tried to pretend, his face no longer showed joy in serving the Eternal. The divine King, who suffered in silence, looked, through His revelations of love, to prepare rational creatures for the big event approaching. He knew that many would hearken to temptation, turning Him back. In the night of the ordeal, however, the true believers would stand — those who served the Creator, not by interest, but by love.

Seeing that the test time had come and that Lucifer was ready to betray Him before the Universe, the Eternal, who never ceased to reveal the treasures of His wisdom, became quiet and contemplative. The silence did revive the heart of the hosts to the memory of that first outing, when, after showing them the riches of the kingdom of light, Yahweh became silent before the abyss. They remember His words: "All the treasures of light will be open to your notice, unless the secrets are hidden by darkness. You are free to serve me or not. Loving the light, you will be connected to the Source of Life."

Lucifer, who had come to covet the throne of Yahweh, asked Him why His silence. The Creator, staring at him with infinite sadness, said, "It is the hour of darkness. You are free to achieve your purposes."

Seeing that the moment for the propagation of his theory had arrived, Lucifer summoned the angels for a special meeting. The hosts, eager to know the meaning of the silence of the Father, took their places along with the magnificent angel, who always had revealed the treasures of the kingdom of light. Lucifer began his speech extolling, as usual, the government of the Eternal. In a large retrospective, he reminded them of the great revelations that had enriched them in the whole of eternity. The celestial silence he presented as an indication that the Universe had reached the fullness of knowledge from light.

The silence of the Eternal opened the way for the understanding of mysteries not yet probed, hitherto kept beyond the limits of His government. Surprised, the hosts took the experience of Lucifer’s knowledge over darkness. With eloquence, he spoke to them of the knowledge of good and evil, showing how it is the path of the greatest achievements.
The effect of his words soon made itself felt throughout the Universe. The question was decisive and explosive, generating the first contention.

Rational beings, in their evidence, had to choose to stay only with the knowledge of light, which limits Lucifer claimed to be reached, or venture into the knowledge of the knowledge of good and evil. Early on, the angels struggled on the matter, and soon after, the entire Universe was challenged. It seemed it would be the knowledge of good and evil that would garner most of the creatures, but gradually, many who initially became excited with the theory, awakened to the illusion of it, reaffirming their allegiance to the kingdom of Light.

At the end of that conflict, which dragged on for a long time, a third of the stars from the sky proved to be next to Lucifer, and the remaining, still shaken by that evidence, were beside the Eternal. The knowledge of good and evil was trumpeted by Lucifer as a new system of government. But how was he to exercise it, if the Eternal was still reigning in Zion? He needed to find a way to push Him away. The council, formed by the rebellious angels, passed on it. They decided to finally ask Him the throne for a certain time, which could demonstrate the excellence of the new system of government. If the Universe approved, the new system would be established forever, otherwise the domain would return to the Creator. 

So it was that Lucifer, accompanied by his hosts, approached arrogantly the suffering Father, asking Him such a request. The Eternal was not ambitious, He just wanted good for His creatures. If the knowledge of good and evil actually consisted in a greater good, He would not oppose its implementation, giving the throne to its defenders. But He knew that path would lead to unhappiness and death. Moved by His protective love, the Creator denied the request of the hosts  rebels, which turned away angry.

When they are denied the throne, Lucifer and his hosts begin to accuse the divine King, claiming it to be His government of tyranny. They claimed His stay on His throne to be the clearest demonstration of His arbitrariness. Had there not been granted them freedom of choice? Yet now He neutralizes it, preventing them from putting in place a system of government more superior? The charges of the hosts rebels reverberated throughout the Universe, making it appear that the government of the Eternal was unfair. This brought deep distress to those who remained faithful to the kingdom of light. Not knowing how to refute such accusations, these creatures, muted by the moral pain, longed for the time when new revelations coming from the Creator could clarify to them the mysteries of this great conflict.

Accusations and blasphemy of the hosts rebels reached the climax when the Eternal, in a surprising gesture, rose from His throne, as if He were ready to leave it. The infidels, in anticipation of an achievement, quieted down, while a sense of awe penetrated the hearts of the subjects of light.

Would He deliver to them the domain of all creation, to deliver Himself from their vilest allegations? According to the logic from which Lucifer grounded his teachings, there was no alternative to the Creator. In this tremendous expectation, the Universe followed the footsteps of Yahweh. In a gesture of humility, the Creator divested himself of His crown and His royal robe, deposing them on the target throne. In his countenance there was no expression of resentment or anger, but of infinite love and sadness.

Solemnly, God proclaimed that the decisive moment had come when every creature should seal its decision to the side of light or darkness. In a wide revelation, He warned of the consequences of a break with the Source of Life. With the look of tenderness the Creator contemplated His children. It was a look of humility, that full of love, begged them to stay at His side. Countless creatures, excited, corresponded to His kindly look, while a crowd stood crestfallen. Lucifer and his followers were aware of the seriousness of the moment.

It was still possible to go back on their plans, indulging the repentant heavenly Father who had always loved them. While downcast, they considered on the final decision. Lucifer and his followers heard the song of those who, in recognition and gratitude, placed themselves beside the Eternal. The last battle fought in the hearts of the infidels, and strained, as they come to think.

Contemplating His rebellious children, He raised His voice in a painful lament: "My children, my children! Now I cannot call you that! I wanted so much to have you in my arms! I remember when I formed you with care! You appeared, happy and perfect, in chords of hope in eternal harmony! I lived for you, covering you with glory and power! You were my joy, why have your hearts changed so much? What else could I have done to make you stay with me? Now my soul bleeds in pain for eternal separation! How will I look at the empty seats where so often you raised your voices in jubilant hosannas festive, without coming to my mind a mix of happiness and pain?! How infinite longing invades my being, and I know it will be eternal! Today my heart broke, and broken up, will bear the scars forever!"

After proclaiming in tears as painful mourning, the Eternal, addressing himself to Lucifer, the cause of all evil, said, "You got a name of honor to be created. Now I no longer call you Lucifer, but Satan, the enemy of the Creator and His laws."

After lamenting the destruction of the rebel armies, the Eternal, in slow steps, went from the Garden of Eden, the place of the Universal throne... Where now would be His dwelling place? The hosts of the faithful accompanied His reverent steps of mysterious abandonment, unveiling a future that seemed difficult, with suffering and humiliation. Would rebels occupy the divine throne, desecrating it as the dominion of sin? This inquest tortured the heart of the Eternal subjects.

Leaving His beloved city, the Eternal Himself led light, amid the glories of the Universe, toward the great gulf, about which hitherto He was silenced. He was arrested, once again, muted, while He seeming to read in the darkness a future of great struggles. Before the suffering of the Eternal, expressed in the sadness of His countenance, the faithful could finally understand the meaning of that mysterious abyss: it consisted of a symbolic representation of the kingdom of rebellion.

In the saddened face of Yahweh, there manifested finally a glow that the faithful cheered. Raising His powerful arms against the darkness, He commanded loudly, "Let there be light." Immediately, the light of His presence filled the deep abyss, and triumphing over darkness, revealed an unfinished world covered by crystal clear waters.

With this gesture, the Eternal began a great battle by claiming His government of light; a battle of love against selfishness; justice against injustice; humility against pride, freedom against slavery, life against death. This battle, without truce, would last until the dawn desired, when the divine King could return victorious to the holy hill of Zion, where, enthroned amid the praises of the redeemed, He would reign forever in perfect peace. The darkness, in its escape, pointed to the final annihilation of the rebellion. The abundant waters covering that world, hitherto hidden, symbolized the eternal life to the faithful that would conquer by a love that sacrifices everything.

The world was revealed to Earth: visited by the darkness and the light, it would be the scene of the great struggle. The faithful rejoiced before the triumph of light that first day, when darkness rolled in its fury from the planet, the thick darkness succumbing to the light. The light, which had seemed unsuccessful, reborn victorious in a beautiful dawn.

At dawn of the light of the second day, the Eternal commanded, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide between water and water." Immediately, the warmth of His light made an immense amount of steam to rise from the waters, enveloping the planet in a blanket of transparent indigo. Thus emerged the atmosphere, with its perfect blend of gases that would be essential to life that soon would crown the planet. The Creator, contemplating this expansion, called it "heaven." The atmosphere, full of glow, enveloped the earth, then shadowed up to befall the twilight of another evening.


To overcome darkness on the third day, the Creator continued his work, giving rise to the immense continents were still under the surface of the waters. With hands raised He commanded, "Gather up the waters under the heavens in one place and the dry land appear." In prompt obedience, the crystal clear waters ceded its position higher than the dry rose up, overlapping them. In the lower regions of the earth, the waters continue reflecting sky glow, and refreshment to the thirsty creatures. This gesture of humility, the water prefigured the Creator, the great struggle that descend to the deepest abyss to revive thirsty souls in eternal life. Contemplating the face of that new world, God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." With his powerful voice continued, commanding: "the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth." In obedience to the divine command, the solid surface of the planet took on all kinds of vegetation: beautiful meadows to bloom, green fields interspersed with crystalline rivers, endless forests where leafy trees left tip of endless flavorful fruit species. The earth was like a screen where the Creator, through the power of His word, tinged frames peerless beauty. 

While the hosts beheld with awe the beauty of that creation, and surprised to recognize on the new planet the garden of Eden, where God's throne was. The Lord, by the power of His word, had transferred Himself to the bosom of that special world, where justice would be confirmed in the government of the universe. On that spring day, the breeze gently caressed the green woods and meadows in bloom, flooding the atmosphere with soft aroma and freshness. Contemplating His work, the Creator happily exclaimed: "Behold all that is very good." The lush planet fulfilled another day in their harmonious rotation. The faithful hosts could now better understand the importance of light divine. His absence was overshadowed that evening by the beauty of Zion. In this new day, the Creator expressed His great power, giving the Earth lights that fill with light and heat. These lights remain forever as symbols of the spiritual presence of the Eternal, which is the source of all light. 

Contemplating the dark and empty space that stretched around the Earth, with a strong voice commanded, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, they are for signs and for seasons, and for days and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." Immediately, the space came forth the glare of the sun and the reflection of planets and satellites. Given this demonstration of power, the hosts faithful bowed in reverent worship. On the fourth day, the Eternal created the worlds of our solar system not to be inhabited like the Earth, but for the balance of the system. Also He filled the sky glow, slowing the darkness of earthly nights. Turning their eyes to the earth, the hosts were glad to see her radiance.

Raising his powerful hands, the Creator, looking primarily for crystal clear waters, commanded: "the waters bring forth abundantly the living soul." Immediately, the waters became undulating by the presence of countless species of reptiles, happy and grateful, celebrating their existence, a continuous swim and frolic. From the microscopic beings to large whales, all appeared in complete harmony, reflecting its natural love of the Creator. Eyes alighting on the atmosphere and resting on the green forests, the Eternal continued: "Fly the birds on the face of the expanse of the heavens." 

Upon his order, the heavens were filled with colorful birds flying in all directions, and they had at heart a song of gratitude for life. This song filled the air, mingling with the scent of flowering bushes. Gazing with delight at His earthly creatures, the Eternal blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth." Jubilant, the hosts faithful witnessed the dawn of the sixth day. What would Yahweh in this new day? This question lingered in the minds of all rational beings. They were certain that something very special was about to happen.

Raising his powerful arms, the Eternal commanded: "Produce Earth living creature according to its kind: cattle, creeping things and beasts of the earth according to its kind." His powerful voice was heard and promptly, in forests and fields, we could see the result of his creative power. Animals of all species aroused a happy life amid a paradise of perfect peace. The earth had become extremely beautiful, which Princess adorned to receive their King and Lord. Who would be that special? Moving Himself with majesty, the Eternal came down to the glories of the new world, addressing himself to the Garden of Eden, the place of the divine throne. The Angels of Light accompanied him reverently, pausing like a cloud over the skies of paradise. The whole universe watched with deep interest the unfolding acts of the Creator, in response to the accusations of His enemies. The moment was decisive. Everything indicated that the Eternal demonstrate not be tyrannical or selfish crowning someone over the hill Zion. Satan and his followers did not doubt that they would be given the kingdom and reign victorious within that ancient abyss where darkness and light now intertwined. The subjects of light quivered against this perspective. 

Near the source of the river of life, the Eternal solemnly bowed down, and with the natural elements of earth, began to mold, with great affection a special creature. After a few moments, he was lying on the body of the Creator, yet lifeless, the first man. The Lord looked at him, and after caressing his cheek pale and cold, breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man began to live. As if awakening from a deep sleep, the man opened his eyes and looked at the sweet face of his Creator Who, smiling, kissed his cheek now flushed and full of life. Thrilled to hear the Eternal say to him softly and full of affection: "My son, my dear son!" Because he was born of the soil, the first man was named Adam. 

Taking him by the hand, the Eternal raised him. Without realizing the scenario glow that surrounded Adam in gratitude for existence, the Creator involved in a tender embrace, falling down in reverent worship. The hosts of the faithful who witnessed admired the great divine realization, excited before the human gesture, fell also in reverent worship. Then joined voices in a song of joy in greeting to that special creature, who awoke to life at a moment so critical to the Universe. With a heart full of happiness, Adam joined the angels in their song of praise. His voice echoing around the flowery, mingled with the singing of the birds and the lowing of animals approaching admired the lofty trees that packed the breeze, on the branches hung abundant flowers and fruits. Leaning here and there, attracted by the glow of precious stones that adorned all over the lawn. 

With intense joy, Adam took notice of the endless species of animals that populate the garden. All were meek and submissive and lived in perfect harmony and happiness. Pausing in his footsteps, Adam wondered at the whiteness and sweetness of an animal that was playing on the lawn. He came and took him in his arms, dedicating special affection. How nice was stroking his morning wool! His little eyes reflected a gentle glow of love and humility. There was something special about that animal. Sincerely, Adam called it "lamb". With the puppy in his arms, Adam looked grateful for the Eternal and worshiped Him. Contemplating His robes, his expressive eyes of a matchless love, Adam discovered that he had in his arms a symbol of its Author. Happy, exclaimed: "Oh, Lord, this coated lamb as white wool, with expressive look so much love, looks like You. I want to always have it with me." 

Observing the animals, Adam realized that they enjoyed a special camaraderie. Via everywhere happy couples who lived for each other. His thoughts turned to his partner. Looked round about and was surprised not to see her. Did the Lord purposely concealed her, by becoming invisible. Adam felt lonely in the midst of this paradise. Who would share their happiness and love? There were animals, but they were irrational and cannot share their ideals. I was born in your heart, when walking alone that evening, a burning desire to find someone who could always be by his side. While Adam was looking at the distant hills in hopes of seeing someone, God introduced Himself to his side and told him: "It is not good that man should be alone; for you'll have a companion." Adam was happy to hear this promise of the Creator, just when he longed to have someone to always be visible next to him. Taken by a deep sleep, Adam leaned back in the bosom of his loving Creator who, with caresses, did fall asleep. 

In his subconscious were the first colored dreams: Includes the sweet look of the Eternal; hear the harmonious sound of angelic music, discovers the wonders round about: Mount Zion with its rainbow, the river of life, the meadows in bloom, the animals that greet His gaze extends over grassy meadows, hills in the distance devising flowering. While hiking hopeful, feel the gentle breeze stroking her soft hair. Conversation with the breeze: "Breeze, you seem to be those who both seek, you me stroking her hair, kissed my face, you have the scent of green forests. If I could see her face, kissing her would if I could touch her hair, make long braids and would grace with flowers from our garden! “After walking through the meadows dream of paradise, Adam paused as he looked around the landscape. He marveled to see the effect of the breeze in the flowering branches. But how it felt warmly on his face? 

Then he began to awaken from his dream. Even with eyes closed remembered the moment, sleepy, leaned on the breast of the Eternal. It would be a breeze stroking of his hands? With this quest opened his eyes and thrilled to contemplate a beautiful woman with hands scented, stroked her cheek lovingly. It was the breath of his dream, the promise of a Creator who just wanted to make him happy. Now Adam was full as was Eve who was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. Taking her by the hand, Adam invited her for a tour of unforgettable surprises. Show his partner the beauties of his home. Eva had touched up every step, attracted by the flowers that gave off sweet perfumes; birds warbled by cheerful songs, the animals that followed them submissive, the vegetation rich hues, by the clear waters of the river of life that flowed cascading down Hill Zion in Paradise. 

Everything was perfect and beautiful, but nothing matched the human being, created in the image of Yahweh. They turned to each other in awe and caresses. Packaged for this love remained until sunset. With delight, the young couple began to contemplate the setting sun through pink rays tinged the sky in gorgeous afterglow. It was the sixth day came to its end, giving way to hours of a special day: Saturday. That day, in meaning, to be solemn all the subjects of the Eternal, since its dawn would bring victory to the kingdom of light. The sun, which during the sixth day rejoice nature with its brightness and warmth, hid himself, leaving her cold shadows. The cheerful birds, silencing her trills, sought their nests while the other animals are collected together. Only the couple remained motionless, looking at the sight, the last flicker in the fading horizon, the hope of a new dawn. Inquired the meaning of darkness when, through the branches, they saw a beautiful moonlight, whose silvery rays nature bathed in soft light. The entire sky was lit by the glow of the stars. Admired, found that the night was only darkness when he looked down. Adam and Eve in their innocence did not know that night symbolized the bleak future of humanity. When understood, would be comforted to contemplate the splendor of the heavens: the moonlight talk of hope and the twinkling stars testify the interest of the hosts of light in them clarify the moral darkness, giving encouragement to sinners. But only those who would be enlightened, averting his eyes from the earth, behold the heavens. 

After contemplating for a while the sky in its luminosity, the couple, remembering the beauty of paradise, turned to His eyes, searching them for their meaning. But they were hidden in the shadows. Longed as the dawn, because only He would bring paradise! Before the yearning of the human heart, the Eternal appeared in the midst of darkness, returning to the couple the joy of meeting again in a colorful garden. Bathed in soft light, now they walked through meadows green and flowery. The brightness of the Creator awakened nature wherever they went, coloring and brightening all round about. The couple, admired, learned that beside the Eternal could have a paradise in the night. Feeling sleepy, Adam and Eve leaned back in the lap of the loving Father, who is sleeping sweetly hopeful happy mornings. Lying down on the soft grass, the Eternal rose up as if going with the contemplative hosts. 

He would manifest Himself at dawn, making the couple wake up to the most solemn event, which would reduce to dust the vile accusations of enemies. The cold dark night, through their long hours, seemed to mock the light. Forever overshadow the beauty of creation? Oh, never! The sun would not back down before the majesty of darkness will soon emerge as a liberator, snatching with his warm rays of the nature of cold claws, giving it life and color. In a final challenge, the darkness became dense in the hours before dawn. The night enlists his forces to fight for dominance usurped. Finally, in the east came a glimmer of hope that seemed to speak in a new day. The sky gradually became colored bright red. Darkness fell powerless before the growing strength of the light and was consumed on their trail. The nature began to awaken from the long night, reflecting on her breast the longing rays. Flowers opened, exhaling scents of joy; animals and birds, silenced the night, joined their voices in song in triumphant salute to the dawn of that great day. The dark night was over, giving way to the light of day dreaming - day to Yahweh had special meaning because it prefigured the final victory of His kingdom on the field of rebellion. 

The Eternal Now awaken His human children who bathed by the light of His presence, had fallen asleep in the hope of a happy dawn. In a festive march, all holy hosts, with songs of victory, followed him into the bathed paradise. How soon will shine a cherished morning, bringing in its light sweet paradise lost that night! With joy the couple welcomed the divine Creator, joining the angels in triumphal anthems. The universe lived a truly solemn moment. That festive morning, God would reveal the greatness of his character, which is justice and love. Accusations that his government was selfishness and tyranny would be refuted. The eyes of all rational creatures of the vast universe, God led the young couple to Mount Zion, the place of the divine throne. There, in the thrill of the hosts muted, the Creator, a surprising gesture, covered the man with the royal mantle, put on his head the crown which was coveted by Lucifer. Driven by deep gratitude for the supreme honor conferred, Adam and Eve fell down reverently at the feet of the Creator deposing his precious crown, in sign of submission. 

Followed this human gesture a shout of victory that shook the whole of Creation. The children of the light, which had so long suffered indignities and humiliations before the constant accusations of rebel armies, praised in resounding praise Yahweh blessed, that in His work of righteousness denial that the enemies, revealing His character of humility, selflessness and love. Having made man as the lord of all creation, the Eternal, in a solemn voice, began to make them aware of the greatness of his mission. As a faithful steward should take care of paradise, keeping clear the source of the river of life. The laws of justice and love, fundamentals of the kingdom of light, should be honored. As a rational scepter, it would be the man, in a gesture of appreciation and gratitude, the government freely accept Him who created them. The hosts, who were amazed witnessing the revelation of divine detachment, realized that the Eternal of Light would not rule over the universe, except with the human consent. The man, by the will of the Eternal, was made the arbiter of creation, in his glorious being, made in the image of the Creator, shone the seal of eternal dominion. 

After revealing the couple the infinite honor and responsibility of their mission, the Creator became aware of the spiritual warfare that had been waged for conquest of universal dominion: Lucifer, who for countless ages served the heavenly King in Zion, had been corrupted by pride and by selfishness, followed by a third of the rational hosts; sought to dethrone the Eternal. Now, dishonoring Him with vile accusations. Having revealed to man the painful situation in which the universe was in, the Eternal, in a solemn gesture, showed him two towering trees, laden with great fruit, rose on both banks of the river that was born from the throne. The right that raised the Eternal revealed to be the tree of life monument of the kingdom of light. The rising edge to the other proved to be the tree of knowledge of good and evil - the symbol of rebellion. Eating the fruit of the tree of life, the man manifest his submission to the Creator who is the Source of life and light. Eat of the other tree would give the enemy the field of Zion The inevitable result of this step would be eternal death, not only for humans but for all creation, which would reduce the chaos under the fury of rebellion. 

After contemplating at length the two lofty trees, which bear fruit in externalized as infinite responsibility, Adam bowed himself to the Creator, saying: "You are worthy Lord to reign over the universe, because by Thy wisdom, love and power all things were created and remain." The Sabbath, divine emblem of triumph, filled with praise. All children of light joined the human being in the most harmonious hymn of praise to Him whose greatness is peerless. He was astonished that Satan and his followers witnessed the great achievement of the Eternal. Bitterly witnessed the joy of the faithful before the coronation of man, an event that cast to the ground that they had strong objections raised against the divine government. Filled with frustration and anger, now considered their plight. How terrible and humiliating them was the thought of seeing their plans of rebellion divest themselves before the Creator, like the shadows of the night. If they could, they thought, would fill the Saturday darkness, banishing from the mind of the Eternal subjects any hope of victory. 

Finally, in his remarks, Satan and their followers realized they had left an opportunity: in the middle of the garden of Eden, on the heights of Zion, lifted up by the river of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Suffice a human gesture, nothing more, and have under his power, forever, the coveted domain. But how to seduce him? Excited at the prospect of a victory, Satan sought, with ingenuity, devise a plan of approach. He knew that if he failed in his attempt, all hopes of victory would have been diluted, scrapping all your dreams of adventure. Concluded that cheating would be a powerful weapon. Not been through it who managed to dominate one-third of the heavenly hosts?! He awaited therefore a propitious time to set his snare.


In Eden hung the sweet calm of perfect peace. Everywhere the lovely birds were heard with their happy trills in constant praise to the Creator. All nature seemed to blossom proclaiming the kingdom of eternal joy. The animals in union played everywhere, always submissive to the man, the lord of that lovely paradise. Everything was happiness for the couple, but this became more intense in the cool of those spring days. The afterglow, which with its beauty tinged the sky foreshadowing the dark nights, advertised to them also the time of the daily visit of the Eternal. Together, under the light of His presence, a long time passed in happy conversation. With encouragement, the couple told the Eternal the amazing wonders that they discovered each day in nature. Yahweh fondly drawing them into the meaning of each being. How were grateful for the beautiful lessons learned at His feet! With each passing day, the greater the love, respect and admiration for the great Creator. He was as good, bringing them to life and giving them a home so full of delights! To awaken to the joys of each day there came to them to remembrance the caresses and the sweet singing of the Eternal, which made them fall asleep every night.

Life of Adam and Eve in Eden was not idle. To them it was recommended garden care. His occupation was not wearisome, on the contrary, was pleasant and invigorating. The Creator indicated work as a source of benefits to humans, in order to occupy their minds and strengthen their body, developing all their faculties. In mental and physical activity, the man found a high pleasure. It was common to the young couple visits from celestial beings. Visitors always had news to report and questions. They spent a long time listening to them about the wonders of the kingdom of light. Through these visitors, Adam and Eve have gained extensive knowledge of the Lucifer rebellion and its eternal consequences. Visitors, Adam and Eve always begged to be taught the harmonious heavenly singing. As delighted to join the choir angelic voices!

In His omniscience, Yahweh knew the terrible enemy's intent. Calling His main hosts, revealed them to weigh the imminent danger that hung over the universe. Satan would to trap them in order to bring man to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before this revelation, the children of light were afraid, for they knew the tremendous ease of Satan to ensnare innocent creatures and throw them into Satan's death trap. In solemn council they decided to send urgently messengers to warn man of great danger. Two powerful angels were in charge of this crucial mission. Immediately, the messengers commissioned stormed the gates of Jerusalem, reaching the bosom of infinite space. Within moments, transposed wildernesses, crossing galaxies in route. Entered the tunnel of the constellation Orion, approaching the new system. They could now make out a short distance the blue planet, where the fate of the universe was about to be decided. In Eden, all was relaxed. The young couple remained in their innocent activities, enjoying the pleasure of a happy living. Gone were thinking at that moment, all the children of light were tense, thinking of their future threatened. Then they saw in the clear sky the sign of the approaching celestial visitors and they raised their arms in a cheerful greeting. Adam and Eve wondered, though, why not see in the face of them, the same joy they had. 

The visitors brought on the face an expression of longing that they could not understand. They tried to change the sad look, telling them the new discoveries made in heaven. The messengers, however, not having time available as before, interrupted them with words of warning. Satan would set them a trap in order to get them to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Make themselves heard from the temptation, would succumb to all creation in an eternal abyss of chaos. The angels reminded them that the kingdom had been entrusted to them as a sacred trust, and shall, in a life of fidelity, honor the One who emptied Himself for love, puts himself in a position of guest humans. Adam and Eve should be firm against the insinuations of the enemy as well would seal the victory for the eternal kingdom of light. Telling them the happy reward that would follow their triumph, the angels revealed that plan was Yahweh the Heavenly Jerusalem transfer to Earth. There, again coupled to paradise forever would remain. And man, submissive to the Creator, reign forever without end for mount Zion, amid the universal praise of the hosts. But all this depended entirely on positioning their human face against the temptations of the enemy, who would do anything to snatch their kingdom.

Adam and Eve were afraid to know the plans of Satan, but were comforted to would know he could not do them any harm, forcing them to eat the forbidden fruit. If, perhaps, seek to intimidate them with his power, all the hosts of the Eternal come to their rescue. The messengers of the light have completed their mission recommending the couple remain vigilant, always bearing in mind the responsibility that rested upon them. They should not separate themselves from each other, not even for a moment, because that alone could cause them to be swayed. Adam and Eve, thankful for the warning Angels, joined their voices in a song of promise in an eternal victory. They were sure they would never abandon the blessed Creator, hearing the voice of the tempter. Excited at the human promise to them, the two messengers returned to the bosom of the heavenly Jerusalem where, next to the holy hosts, await with longing the ringed triumph. 

Satan saw approaching the messengers of heaven and heard the man singing promising an eternal victory. This song made him envy and hatred to increase so that he could not contain himself. He then told his followers that soon he would silence that nagging voice. I'd do anything to transform human praise to the Creator to blasphemy. The hosts of rebels were curious to know the plans of their boss, but were warned by him that they should wait until all decided to stay forever. If your man hear his voice, eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, would be victorious, having forever the domain of the universe. If the man resisted, remaining faithful to the Creator, there is no longer any hope for them. Heaven seemed to be enveloped by an eternal security, but the countenance of the man could be seen an expression of awe.

Since the departure of the angels, Adam and Eve remained silent, meditating with reverence about the tremendous responsibility of their mission. They thought of the seriousness that proves imminent would seal their future and all of Creation. Animated, however, at the thought of victory, joined once more the voices in song that expressed the certainty of triumph rang out. This melody banished from their minds all fear of defeat and cheerfully, ran in the lush meadows, accompanied by spirited animals that seemed to celebrate the great achievement. They felt secure in their paradise, totally oblivious of the danger of a possible assault. Satan, who carefully watched the couple, realized he would soon be getting his chance. He approached invisibly from heaven, and was waiting for the best time to set his snare. Unaware of the presence of the enemy, the couple remained in their selfless joy, playing carelessly with the animals. In troubled countenance of Satan stamped up a sneaky smile, to witness a couple of carelessness: in his exaltation, had failed to meet a final recommendation of the messengers, moving away from one another. 

The wily foe, not wasting time, took possession of a serpent, the most beautiful of paradise, making it closer to graceful Eve, seated on the lawn playing with the animals, he realized the presence of the attractive snake, whose body reflected the colors of the rainbow. He was surprised to see her pick flowers and fruits from the garden, depositing them at his feet. Gratefully, he took her in his arms, devoting her affection. Having won the affection of the woman, Satan, in his cunning, began to draw her to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Unaware of the danger, Eva followed the snake to the tree of proof. Having the enemy hidden in the arms, stroked it and told her endearments. Having eyes in the brightness of seduction, the serpent began to speak. His words were full of wisdom and tenderness and his voice like an angel. Eve could hardly believe her eyes. Her joy became immense to have a creature in her arms so fantastic. She began to talk of many things: love, the beauties of the garden, the power of the Creator. Eva was amazed at the knowledge so vast in a serpent, who discoursed with mastery on any subject. 

Encircled by this experience, Eva completely forgot her companion. It even went through her mind the warnings of angels. Adam, entirely forgetting the advice of the heavenly messengers, had moved away in the company of some animals. After some time, came with a vengeance in his mind the memory of the warnings received. It rang in his ears clearly the last words uttered by the angels: "Do not turn away from one another ... not even for a moment separate, as it is dangerous." His heart beat strong not to see Eva at his side. Then raised his voice to an anxious shout. His voice echoing through the vaults of heaven, however, did not bring an answer. The silence almost choked him. In his grief he began to run from one side to another, looking for her in vain. In this anxious search, he felt the breeze stroking his hair and recalled his first dream. That memory, however, broke down at the thought of the danger that threatened them. With his mind taken by a great sense of guilt, Adam picked up the pace in distressing demand. Where would your loved one be? The time to involve her in his arms, freeing her from falling? Once again raised his voice in a shout that reverberated throughout anxious garden: "Eve, where are you?" He waited for a response, but heard only one empty echo of despair. 

He remembered the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and there was the one place where his companion could be deluded. Hoping to block the only chance of the enemy, he advanced towards the place of proof. His heart beat strong contemplating the distant treetop prohibited. With the snake in her arms, Eva questioned him about a lot of things. She marveled to see that the serpent greatly outweighed her, then recounts a lying story: he said he was a snake like the rest, eating the fruits of paradise. Proving that forbidden fruit one day, received, as if by magic, all the virtues. Looking at the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Eva was surprised and confused. Deprive the Creator in His love something so good to his creatures?! Seeing her surprise, Satan asked - is how Yahweh said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Eva, restless, replied: - Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we eat, but the fruit of that tree that you claim to be a source of wisdom, God said: "Ye shall not eat of it, lest ye die." The serpent tone of disdain said: - This is false. If so, I would have died. Surely the Eternal forbade them to eat from that tree to prevent the man to take as he did, knowing all things. 

The seductive words of the serpent caused confusion in the mind of one who trusted as Eve? She had in her mind the memory of the order of the Creator and his sentence, but at the same time had before it a tangible proof that contradicted the testimony. Stunned, she began to doubt the character of the Eternal. In a challenge, the serpent harvested fruit from the forbidden tree and started to enjoy them. Putting a fruit in the hands of women, encouraged her to eat, saying: - Not the Eternal said that if someone touched that fruit would die? A complete silence hung over the universe. In each inhabited planet, the sons of light that stared helplessly at agonizing scene. Their future was that they should respect the free will granted to man, he can manifest his choice under the temptation of the enemy. The children of light suffered greatly when they saw the woman doubting Him who so kindly gave them life and the chance to reign in that paradise. How could they doubt who devoted so much love?! 

Adam, a strong hope of securing a cherished victory hastened to their race, watched his beloved from afar, sitting by the tree of proof. What did Eve do in that place so dangerous?! A horrible feeling came upon him, he remembered once again the warnings received, but sought to banish it as thought that would reach his wife before something bad happened to her. Eva wavered in her conviction to include the fruit in her hands. For a few moments the future seemed dark and terrifying, but overcame this feeling, thinking of the glories that would gain by eating this fruit. Still somewhat undecided, slowly raised her hands to touch the fruit to her lips. The subjects of the kingdom of light, shaken, bowed, taken by astonishment. It seemed almost impossible at that point, that the woman would turn back. While the faithful pale inquired about a possible hope, witnessed with horror the terrible decision of Eve decided to break forever with the Creator, becoming captive to death.

The Eternal, who gazed in silent pain that scene of rebellion, bowed his forehead with his face bathed in tears. He could not bear the pain of separation. The faithful, who panicked thought themselves vanquished, were aware that all was not lost. If Adam resisted the temptation and remain faithful to the Eternal, he would seal the big win. Eva, who was the victim of a mistake, could be made aware of her mistake, being favored with heavenly forgiveness. When Adam in his agonizing race reached the place of trial, it was too late. Seated next to the river, Eva tasted the forbidden fruit carelessly. Adam shuddered. Was it really the fruit of proof?

In a gesture of hope looked at the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but tearfully acknowledged the sad conviction. Filled with grief beheld his wife, but found no words to awaken her to so bitter a reality. In complete desperation, he raised his voice a painful exclamation: "Eva, Eva, what are you doing!" By eating the forbidden fruit, the woman was taken by emotions that did imagine her having reached a higher sphere of life. Upon hearing the voice of her husband, also taken by illusory emotions, raised his brow stamping a smile on her face, but was surprised to see him crying. With deep sorrow, he sought to know the reason that led her to rebel against the Eternal. Eva promptly began to tell him the story of the fantastic wise serpent. Satan knew this snake story would never convince the man to eat of the forbidden tree. He needed to find a subtle way to get him to seal his fate in the footsteps of his wife. 

Having Eva under his power, he decided to make her the object of temptation. He awaited the opportune moment to ensnares him. On the day you eat thereof, you shall surely die. The memory of this sentence made Adam very distressed. The expectation of seeing his beloved perishing in his arms, was too much to bear. This distress, however, was decreasing, to see that she was still happy and loving at his side, as if no harm had happened. Relieved, Adam smiled again, corresponding to the affections of his companion. He surrendered the sweetest emotions, far from knowing that the enemy who was involved in those hugs. In that moment of rapture, Eva began to tell him about her experience with the knowledge of good and evil. She told him of the treasures of wisdom that had been opened. In her new kingdom, life is very happy. However, this happiness would be incomplete without the participation of her spouse. She told him of the impossibility of going back on their footsteps, and urged him to follow. After talking to him for his decision, Eva, with a sweet smile, held out her hands containing a fruit, asking him to eat in a demonstration of his love for her. 

With tempting voice in his ears, Adam sat on the lawn in deep thought. His face became pale again, his hands trembling. He feared to rebel against the Creator, but at the same time understood that he could not live apart from his companion, whom he loved with infinite love. Eve was flesh of his flesh, the extension of his being. He was distressed at having to make a decision so serious. The paleness of Adam's face was reflected on the faces of all the faithful to the Eternal. They heard the suggestion of the enemy and realized with horror the vacillation of man. Adam's indecision left them desperate. If he obeyed that proposal of Satan, all happiness would be banished forever. In human decisions was the fate of the entire universe. Would he answer the call of Satan? After intense inner struggle, Adam looked at his companion, who had joined in an eternal promises of delivery. Do not let her just now do this or he would share with her the results of the rebellion. 

Then he took the hand of Eva a fruit with a hasty gesture, took it to his mouth. Looking to stifle the voice of conscience, speaking to him from eternal damnation, Adam threw himself into the arms of his wife, enjoying the high price of their rebellion. Satan, with shouts of triumph, left heaven, flying swiftly along to his innumerable hosts, who looked anxious as the result of his risky attempt. Upon learning of human misery, joined in a thunderous party, they all felt secure. Zion now theirs by right, there can establish an eternal kingdom, never being harassed by the laws of the Eternal. Across the Universe the children of light, bewailed the loss suffered. There had never been such sadness and horror at the future. The voices that lived to sing praises to the Creator uttered lamentations now.

The Eternal, who won by infinite pain bowed low - If in tears before the fall of man, was not, however, surprised. Even before He created the universe had already foreseen this triumph of rebellion and, in His wisdom and love, idealized a rescue plan that would involve a huge sacrifice. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he put himself to act powerfully for His faithful afflicted, preventing them from falling into enemy hands. This mysterious intervention apparently deposed against justice, the Eternal commanded His most powerful angels to surround immediately the garden of Eden, preventing Satan from taking possession of Mount Zion. Comforted before the epiphany, the powerful creatures were in ready obedience, broke the infinite space, circling paradise, within which the human being, already disturbed by sin, lived the blackness of a night that would be long and cruel. Being the authority of the Eternal founded on justice, how could He justify His actions before his enemies?

He failed to deliver the kingdom to His will to man, and that's by choice not undergone by Satan? While surprised rational creatures considered the decisive actions of Yahweh, and heard His powerful voice reverberating throughout creation, brought revelation of the great mystery - so wonderful revelation that from that moment, for all eternity, would occupy the minds of the faithful being subject to the sweetest meditations. The Eternal first spoke about the terrible condemnation that hung over the man and all creation. Said that by turning off the Fountain of Life, the man had rushed in so deep chasm that could not be achieved by his arm of justice and power. 

Humiliated and tortured by the claws of the enemy, not left to man another chance after death - the result of his painful spontaneous rebellion. Considering the human situation, the hosts of light they saw possibilities of triumph. They knew that only the man could regain dominion of the enemy, returning it to the Creator. But the human being, eternally enslaved in nature, would be incapable of such a victory. With melodious voice and full of tenderness, Yahweh revealed the plan of redemption, saying: "In fact, the man will reap the fruit of their rebellion a terrible death. I cannot, with my power, to change his fortune. If I so acted, it would be unfair on my decree. I'll fall but all the condemnation about a substitute that will arise in human offspring. 

This man will not bring in their hands the bonds of death, being innocent and undefiled in His nature. As a representative of the human race, face and overcome Satan. After triumph in this battle, proving that love is stronger than selfishness, that truth is stronger than lies, that humility is more powerful than pride, faithful substitute lift their hands to greet the victorious is no great achievement, but to take the hands of humanity enslaved the cup of his conviction. Gulps so submissive, the cup of eternal death. This will open immense sacrifice human beings a chance to be redeemed, returning to the arms of the Creator, along with the lost dominion. The hosts, surprises before the revelation of the Eternal, investigating the identity of that substitute. 

The Creator, with a smile loving, told them: "I'll be the man. My Spirit rest upon a virgin, and it will generate a Holy Son. This boy is divine and human. In his humanity, he will be submissive to the divinity that dwells in him. The redeemed see him as the Everlasting Father, the Creator and Redeemer, the King of kings. His name is Yehoshua (the Eternal saves). "Assuming human nature, Yahweh could pay the high ransom price, dying in the place of sinners. The hosts were muted light to know the plan of the Creator. The thought of seeing Him to undergo so painful a sacrifice in order to redeem the lost dominion, was too much to bear. There was, however, another hope of victory, unless through this loving delivery. 

After enjoying the high price of sin, the young couple felt sick. Initially felt a great emptiness in the heart, which was soon filled with remorse and grief. Realized that, inspired by greed, had sealed their sad fate and of all creation. It seemed to them to hear the distant wail of a universe won. The sun, which filled life and warmth that day, lurked on the horizon, announcing to them a dark night. The afterglow, which until then had announced them happy encounter with the Creator, seemed involved them in a sentence that would never awaken to a new day. They dared not even look up, fearing to see them fall on the radius of judgment that would reduce them to dust. With the eyes on the cold ground, came to mind them the sentence: "The day you eat thereof, shall surely die."

Desperate tears rolled down their faces to await the tragic end. When considering the reason for his rebellion, Adam began to blame his wife for having listened to the serpent. Eve, in turn, trying to apologize, put the blame on the Creator, saying: "Why did the Eternal let the serpent deceived me? "The love that reigned in the human heart disappeared, giving way to pride and selfishness, which merged into resentment and hatred. His nature was no longer pure and holy, but corrupt and full of rebellion. Everything was changed. Even a gentle breeze which hitherto had bathed in the refreshing caresses, freeze now the guilty pair. Trees and flowerbeds, which were his delight, consisted now impediments to walk aimlessly tonight. 

The purpose of Satan to fill the Saturday darkness seemed to have been fulfilled. That night, there was not even the silver moonlight to tell them of hope. The twinkling stars, suspended in the dark sky, were overshadowed by the pain. Lowered over the world the darkness of a long night of sin - shadows under which many would drag a hopeless dawn. The night was already high and the darkness seemed to involve the sad couple in eternal shadows. Not even in his few words were considering, suffocated by the agony of a dawn. Crestfallen, groping here and there, in anticipation of impending judgment, which would reduce them to cold dust, forgotten in that darkness without end. 

Suddenly appeared a glow in the sky, which was increasing as it approached the Earth. The bed trembled, for he knew that it was the Creator who came to give them the punishment. Overcome by panic, began to run, away from the mount Zion, the place of the shameful fall. Just to be driven there saw the Creator Himself. They, who always ran to meet the loving Father, attracted by His light, fleeing now desperate for dark places, the dense forest. The Lord, moved by infinite love, came to follow in the footsteps of the fugitive couple. As he walked, wept as he remembered the happy times he had spent with them in that paradise. Like everything had become! Their children could no longer see Him a Father of love, but someone who, angry, sought to punish them. 

Moved by a strong desire to embrace His human children, Yahweh's voice echoed a question: "Adam, where are you?" His voice, the sound in the darkness, was carrying just a hollow echo that spoke of ingratitude and rebellion. How he wished the couple engage in a fervent embrace, and with words of affection confess to Him that His love was the same! Seeing his children flee from his presence, the Eternal was overcome with pain. His look through seasick tears, stretched the future of the human race. Who, deceived by Satan, flee from His presence during the long night of sin, believing in one Lord tyrant, who lives seeking sinners flaws and weaknesses in order to punish them! The Creator, however, did not give up the dark valleys of the kingdom of death, to win a repentant people. Adam and Eve, exhausted by the hurried escape, hid themselves among the foliage of a foot fig. Recognizing his nakedness, sought to sewing aprons those leaves. Dresses they thought that they could get rid of the feeling of shame before the Creator. 

The Eternal If approaching the place where the couple was hiding, asked: - Adam, where are you? No longer able to hide from Yahweh, Adam stood up along with his mate and downcast, presented himself to the Creator, fell down trembling at His feet. He failed to look at him directly, due to the sense of guilt. The Creator, lovingly, took them by the hands, lifting them off the ground, and, with an expression of sadness in the countenance, he asked them: - Why do you run away from me? Did they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Adam, trembling, his voice ragged with sobs of fear, he replied: - The woman whom thou gavest, she gave me the fruit and I ate. With this answer, Adam tried to apologize, blaming it on his wife. Turning to Eve, the Eternal asked her: - Why did you do that? Eva readily answered Him - That serpent deceived me and I ate. Both did not want to plead guilty, flipping it over others. In short, the Creator was attributed the responsibility for any wrongdoing: "Why had he given them free will, why he created the woman, why he created the serpent?" Silent, Yahweh watched His children who, timid and bewildered, stood before Him. With deep sorrow, He predicted that this would be the experience of countless human beings throughout history.

How would they not get lost not recognizing their own guilt! How would they seek to justify themselves by launching their mistakes on others and even about the Creator! With soft words, the Eternal sought to make them acknowledge their guilt. Only by recognizing their need could they be helped. Looking for fragile garments woven by sinful hands, to the couple he said: - Children, these garments are insufficient, then drying will be dissolved. You need lasting garments that can cover your nakedness, having escaped the condemnation. If you want, I can give them that robe. The kind words of the Creator who brought hope, the couple felt sorry, undressing their illusory robes, symbols of their failure. They longed now for the garments of salvation promised by God the Father


After contemplating His children who, repenting, lay at his feet, the Eternal took them by the hand and gently raised them. He rejoiced in being able to reveal to man the plan of redemption. With tenderness, Yahweh began to reveal to them first the bitter results of their fall, saying: "Children, you have sealed the fate of all creation in the clutches of death. Disharmony already permeates nature, seeking to destroy all its virtues. The abyss into which you immersed for disobedience is too deep for them to be achieved by my mighty arm. So disconnected from the Source of Life, there remains more to man another chance after a death. 

After uttering these words there was revealed a sad fate. The couple were invited by the Eternal to follow Him. Downcast, Adam and Eve, in tears followed the Creator in His footsteps of justice, which were heading in the place of the shameful fall where they supposed to find the painful end. In this painful walk, they sobbed, remembering their past glory undone by ingratitude. How painful for them in their soul was the terrible expectation of being reduced to ashes, along with the creation, in the darkness of that night of sin! As they walked, staring through tears, the sleeping beauties bathed by the light of Yahweh could be seen. They saw the innocent animals, who were unaware of the great pain. Suddenly, the couple paused, overcome by intense wailing, their faltering steps had led them to be with a lamb, the most beloved pet. His little eyes of tenderness would also fade?! Wiping their tears, the Eternal commanded them take in your arms the innocent lamb. Wrapping it close to the chest, accompanied silent footsteps of the Creator, to reach the top of Mount Zion, the place of their shameful fall. Contemplating there the remains of crimson fruit, they came with haste to mind the memory of the divine sentence, "The day you eat thereof, you shall surely die." The terrible moment had come. The guilty man should drink the bitter cup of death, succumbing in hopelessness.

Aware of their destruction, the couple realized with horror that the hands that brought them to life now wielding a sharp cleaver stone. Trembling, they fell down and waited for the fulfillment of the just sentence. While muted by fear, Adam and Eve waited for the blow that would reduce them to dust. But they felt the soft touch of the divine hands that lifted them to a new life. The conviction, however, would be on a replacement for them. Putting in the hands of Adam the knife, the Creator said: The lamb will die instead of you. Adam should sacrifice him. Startled because of the order of God, the couple tearfully began to cry: Lord, not a lamb, he is innocent! With an expression of justice, the Eternal said: If he dies, you may then have the garments of which I spoke. Before the insistence of the Creator, Adam, all trembling, a painful effort, stabbed in the chest of the lamb that acute stone. The blow was fatal, and the little animal, shedding His precious blood, plunged in the darkness of an endless night. Contemplating the lifeless lamb on the bloody grass, the couple raised his voice and wept. 

Beginning to grasp the enormity of their tragedy they saw how terrible was death! They, in their power, erased all the light from the eyes of an innocent animal. He, leaning silent on the inert body of the lamb, the Eternal took her skin coated wool and he made coats to cover the nakedness of the couple. After wearing them He asked them fondly: - Do you understand the meaning of all this? In deep thought, between sobs and the recognition and gratitude, the couple said: He died in our place, to give us his clothes! Adam and Eve understood that physical reality though, were far from understanding the significance of that event. The Creator revealed the mystery of divine love. With an expression of infinite mercy, Yahweh went on to reveal the human sense of that painful sacrifice, saying: The innocent lamb that suffered today, symbolizes a man who will be born. In your eyes will be the same gentleness, the same love. Coated by a righteous life, as wool covering the lamb, this man will grow as a branch on Earth, not having hands shackled by sin.

In its appearance, this man will not bring the pomp of a king, so he will be despised by many. He will be a man of sorrows, because you will fall on the weight of all the trials. In his fidelity to the kingdom of light, this man will fight the enemy usurper, finally winning against him. After triumphing in your struggles, take upon yourselves the burden of your condemnation that will cause his horrible death. He will be pierced because of your transgressions and bruised for your iniquities. He will be oppressed and afflicted, yet will not open his mouth, as a lamb today surrendered peacefully. Succumbing in death, he will grant you the merits of his victory. Involved in their robes of righteousness, you will be free of condemnation. Eternal life will overtake completely, through the sacrifice of that righteous man who will be born. 

Adam and Eve, with a mixture of gratitude and pain, heard the revelation of so great a salvation, reverently inquired about that special man in their offspring who would arise, in order to accomplish such an immense sacrifice. The Creator, watching them tenderly, moved by a love that overcomes even death, wrapped them in a loving embrace and revealed:  I'll be the man! Surprised before the declaration of the Eternal, Adam and Eve were motionless, while contemplating his gentle countenance. Understanding the meaning of the tremendous sacrifice, they fell at His feet with tears and cried: We are deserving of death Lord, but you are innocent must not suffer in our place! Wiping tears from them, the Eternal tenderly told them: My children, I love you with an everlasting love. I will die instead of you. Before this confirmation, the couple raised their voice in lamentation and painfully said: - We killed the Creator! We killed the Creator! But Yahweh came to comfort the couple with words of hope, saying: - After sipping the cup of eternal death, I shall return to life and ascend to heaven. Intercede there for the lost man, giving all those who, repenting, accept my sacrifice, the garments of my victory. Together, we will triumph finally over the kingdom of sin which will be overthrown in ashes under our feet. Then I will create a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness alone and love reign. We will live on forever in a kingdom of perfect peace and harmony.

The Creator who accompanied the couple still remained on Mount Zion, and His revelations concluded by saying:  “The garden of Eden will now be empty. The human being, during the long night of sin, will wander in his exile. He will not walk, however, alone: ​​the Eternal, also a pilgrim, will tread with man all the thorny path, until being able to climb up the lost mountain together, triumphantly triumphing over the kingdom of death. The tree of the science of good and evil monument of rebellion will then be undone, giving rise to a glorious tree that, joining its crown to the tree of life, it will become the memorial arch of the great victory. On the holy mountain redeemed, then the universal throne will rest forever, which by the triumphant faithful will be called: the throne of God and the Lamb. “Adam and his companion, after hearing words so comforting and hopeful, raised their voices in a song of gratitude and praise. Now knew the infinite love of their Creator and were willing to serve Him. 

After consoling the couple, God took them out of Eden. It was not easy to say goodbye to that precious home where there they had awakened to life in the arms of the Eternal, and there enjoyed moments of pure happiness in the company of the Creator, Angels and docile animals. An infinite longing seemed to involve the couple in their footsteps of abandonment. With astonishment, Satan and his subjects witnessed the intervention of the Eternal. They were shaken before the startling revelation of the rescue plan. With angry frustration, they realized that if indeed the divine promise came to fruition, there would not be any hope for them. After reflecting on all that had happened, a great anger came over his heart. He was unwilling to recognize the redemption of mankind. He would make every effort to retain it, along with the kingdom given to him.

When the couple, accompanied by their wounded Creator, reached the valley of death, it was dawn. There Satan confronted them angrily, in an attempt to hold back the human beings. The couple were trembling in the face of the enemy, but the protective hands of Yahweh calmed them down. His countenance expressing the firmness of a justice that is eternal, the eternal silent enemy was threatened by the following words: "The human being belongs to Me, because I bought it with my blood." Silent as they walked along, the Creator, Adam and Eve watched with sadness the death of the nature once so full of life. The beautiful flowers that had blossomed to exhale aromas eternal hung withered now, the birds, which hailed with joy in each dawn with their trills, flew far away, with sad sounding songs!

Everything was changed in nature. The knowledge of good and evil did not bring any good to the universe, but an intense spiritual and physical conflict. Before the devastating consequences of their fall, the couple won by unutterable sadness, prostrated repented and wept bitterly. Yahweh, who also sorry for the pain and contemplated the bleak scenario, sought, with words of hope, to comfort them. He told them about the new heaven and the new earth that one day would be, where peace and love return to reign in every heart. The righteous would live always together, not bringing to their forehead the marks of sorrow, but crowns of eternal victory. The righteous One would wipe away the tears from their faces and those tears never return to moisten their eyes. 

Bolstering Adam and Eve in their footsteps, the Creator led them through a wounded valley until they reached the foot of a hill. They climbed it in slow steps, as they exchanged words of encouragement and hope. Their feet finally reached the soft grass that covered the top of that spacious hill. It was about that place that the couple saw every day the sunset, bathing the sky and valleys bright red, like the blood that gushed from the breast of the lamb. Turning to the eastern side, the couple, in a mixture of pain and longing, gazed at the landscape far from the past that involved so much happiness. The couple looked to Mount Zion, so majestic stood in the middle of Eden, cried remembering the fall. How weak we were!

The sun was declining in their journey, announcing the arrival of a sad night - the first outside of paradise. In a quiet gesture, the Eternal, showing them to the hill overlooking the valley, told them fondly: "Here is your temporary abode. Here you can see paradise for some time remaining on Earth until it is taken to its place of origin within the Heavenly Jerusalem." There, protected by justice, it will await the dawn of victory. When that big day comes, we will return together to Zion, where we will be crowned in glory, a kingdom of eternal happiness and peace."

After saying these words, Yahweh ordered the couple to build there an altar of stone, on which each week, the night before the Sabbath, they should sacrifice a lamb, by the memory of his sacrifice. As a sign of his presence, and to make sure that their sins would be forgiven, He kindled a fire on the altar, which lasted all night, until utterly consuming the sacrificial offering. For humans could establish their faith in the truths revealed, and not the visible manifestation of the person of the Creator, He would remain invisible that moment. 

The Lord told them with love, "Children, though you have to stay in this hostile environment, you need not fear, for I will stay beside you. I will be a friend and companion on this journey; I will take your pain on my shoulders, your desires, and your struggles. When tempted by the enemy, and are about to give in, you can find shelter in my arms, and they will always be extended to save you, and if ever you become weak, and in the fury of the enemy you are dragged to the depths of the abyss, don't despair thinking there is no hope, because I'll be there for you with my forgiveness and strength. Always have in mind the significance of the garments received from my hands, for they speak of the redemption that belongs to man. Rest my children in my arms of love."

After consoling the couple with these promises, the Creator, seeing that they were sleepy by fatigue, made them lay in his lap and, as usual, stroked them gently until they fell asleep. When seeing them forgotten in their sleep, Yahweh cried, seeing the suffering that they would experience upon waking. They will be heartbroken by the pain caused by physical separation. The Creator left the couple asleep on the grass, after kissing their faces already marked by their suffering. Their light diminished by becoming invisible in the sunset, giving way to the darkness of that first night out of paradise. 

Subconsciously the couple began parading colorful dreams of a happy past. Following they were once again among the beauties of Eden satiated with eternal joy. Grateful for life, they ran the flower fields, playing with animals. Happiness united voices of angels in harmonious songs in praise of the Creator. So many beautiful scenes in their subconscious, but those dreams become their nightmares, making them relive their tragedy. Agonizing they awoke in the darkness of that first night in exile. Unable to sleep, the couple remained in tears to be comforted by the dawn that revealed to them the distant longing paradise.

Yahweh, though invisible, stood next to Adam and Eve there on the hill. Their suffering was his suffering, but also the hope of one day returning to Zion victorious. Before the contemplative gaze of the Creator revealed to them the bleak future of humanity. Regretfully, countless creatures will perish without salvation by rejecting His love. Tears wet his face in anticipating the enemy employing every cunning to retain humans under his control. Long was the night of sin, and fierce the battle to regain the lost kingdom. This required the triumph of light from the immense sacrifice of Yahweh. 

In the person of the Messiah, in time, he would be born among men as a man, with the mission to pay the ransom price. Through Him, many would be freed from the clutches of the enemy: those who accept Him as Savior and King against these enemies enlisting all the enemy forces trying to make them fall. In his vision of the future, the Creator beheld with joy the final triumph of the redeemed. Though they had been greatly tried, all were more than conquerors through Him who redeemed them from darkness to the kingdom of light. He foresaw the sufferings. After that would come the big fight. The Eternal extended the plains. His possessions looking on, contemplating there the rebel armies willing to fight. The purpose of these armies, was to hold again the humans lost, which were sealed in the right to rule over the universe. 

Contrary to the nature of the Creator is war, but for the defense of his children, He was willing to use his power. Their strength, however, would only be employed with justice. Whether humans refusing the protection offered by the sacrifice of the Messiah, Yahweh could do nothing to prevent it from perishing in the claws of the enemy. Adam and Eve However, had repented of their great sin, receiving the mercy of Yahweh garments of salvation, symbolized by the skins of the sacrificial lamb. Justified by delivery of the couple, the Eternal called His mighty armies to battle. Prompt obedience in the hosts of light broke through outer space towards Earth, with a strong wall surrounding the hill, carrying that treasure redeemed by the blood of the heavenly King.

When humans had been given in Eden the duty to take care of nature: preparing beds for flowers, fruits harvested for food, and drove the innocent live animals, training them to be useful to them. These occupations had been for them sources of development and pleasure. Now, despite the adversities, should continue performing this duty. Work itself, performed according to the orders of the Creator, would nullify many enemy attacks. The first occupations of the couple that morning, brought them revelations of the great love of Yahweh, hitherto unknown. 

They gathered the stones to build the altar, experienced the pain of wounds that gush blood as well as the fatigue that is undermining sweat. Sensing and contemplating all the flesh, the Savior loved more, for whom the altar built foreshadowed larger wounds that shed all His blood, as well as fatigue that would undermine all the sap of His Life. The gaze of longing and hope of the couple from now on, never would land in the distant Eden without first discerning the altar of sacrifice. This altar with their blood and sweat stains, remain as a reminder of the pain and suffering that after moistening the lips of human beings, the Creator would overflow the cup. After contemplating paradise putting long off and eternal life that extended far beyond that dark altar of death, the couple experienced the sweet relief of rest. 

Desiring to know the landscapes of his new home, Adam and Eve, animated by hope, went for a walk. Their steps led them down paths of smiles and tears; charms and disappointments; delicate flower that bloomed, bathed in perfume and flowers without her petals, tumbled wilted and odorless; animals still docile and submissive and animal enemies, fierce and menacing. The couple considered these things on their tour of the currencies of both worlds: light and darkness, love and selfishness; Hope and despair; harmony and disharmony, of life and death. This sight filled them with grief and wept at length. Sadness that would increase further in the future, when they discovered the deepening of those currencies within their offspring.

Six Afterglows already had colored the sky announcing to the couple the dark nights and cold and with this cloak of darkness undid all the vivid images, but hope to review them at the dawn of colored light the next day. Now approaching the time of sacrifice, when the crude altar, would be ablaze in her blood and when justice would cry out. Otherwise if they did not offered the lamb, surely everything would explode, involving the whole world with its flames, and then no longer would they have dawn, and no hope of Eden to bloom. How precious is this blood! Blood is life, life is light! For then that night would become eternal, without Dawn! This would be taking the blame around the world, giving your blood to the rude altar. What sheep could be offered then? Who would pour the sap of life, until you see the last star goes out in your sky?! 

Adam and Eve after reflecting for a long time, contemplating the cradle of death built to put their hands, looked at each other uneasily with this crucial question: Who will volunteer? Born was this inquiry of your fault, and it thrilled deep in their memories the voice of the blessed Creator in His infinite goodness revelation: - I love you with an everlasting love, I will die in your place." Grateful, the couple fell reverently before the altar thirsty seeing him by faith, satiated by the gift of eternal love. 

That afternoon of Friday, Yahweh subjected humans to a tremendous test of faith. They had before them the altar of stone, built according to celestial order, but there was no sheep for sacrifice. In his desire, he remembered of Eden, where there were many herds. Seeing the sun fall over the horizon, Adam and Eve began to cry out to Yahweh for help, knowing that only a miracle could provide them, at that last moment, a lamb for sacrifice. The eyes of the inhabitants of the universe, the great miracle by which the human cried, already processed for nearly a week: The Creator guided an immaculate lamb that left Eden and followed the tracks of the couple on their journey into exile. On their long journey, this puppy has had to face many challenges and dangers, but protected and guided by the Eternal went on his mission.

When the shadows of evening began to engage the hill, the couple who lived no severe test of faith as this, discerned a blip of white hopping on the lawn coming towards them. As they approached, that figure seemed to speak of hope, life and warmth. Seeing that the great miracle happened, they rushed to meet the Lamb, involving him in their arms. He was tired, but no rest: I was thirsty, but do not drink: give drink to the altar crying out for blood. That lamb wanted to live in the man's arms, but would die so that they could live in the arms of God. It was a perfect symbolism of the Redeemer that would leave His glory, and come for the sinner.

The darkness of another night prefigurative lowered slowly involving the whole of nature in its prison. The night's strength, however, would be broken before the human being, by the glow of a special fire, lit by the hands of the divine forgiveness over the lifeless body of the innocent lamb. Everything was prepared for the painful blow: This act would erase those little eyes gentle the last star of life by soaking them in cold darkness of eternal night: darkness that generate light; cold that generate heat; death that generate life - undeserved gifts; fruits, divine love offered sinners hands, ready to strike. Amid the silent night the altar crying, the sad man exclaims, while the lamb, dumb, does not claim to be extended to the death. The hands that built the altar rise now, not to stroke as before, but to hurt, bleeding the price of forgiveness. Just a gesture, nothing more, and the star will erase forever the innocent eyes, making them shine in a guilty face light of salvation. Adam shivering in mourning hesitate knelt before the altar that no longer complains blood but offers light, accepting the unmerited forgiveness. 

Rising, the couple contemplates at length the wounded body of the poor lamb, without being able to thank you for the wealth granted in exchange for her as blow. Bathed in the soft light of the sacrifice, Adam and his companion remained silent to meditate, to be overcome by a deep sleep. Leaning back on the ground covered with soft grass, they gently fell asleep under the warm rays of forgiveness, certain of its brightness and warmth would last until the darkness of that Saturday faded completely by the blazing sun. Lamb light, since it had been lit on the altar that night, remained in constant war with the darkness. By repeatedly grew in brightness, driving to a distant cold darkness, bathing the nature with its rays of life. Sometimes the darkness bringing its cold wind almost completely banned the flame.

This, however, a great effort fed on the blood of the lamb, tossing his burning flame on high, flooding light and heat all that was around. Conflict between light born of sacrifice and darkness that night, the unclosed faithful of the Universe many important lessons - truths that occupy their minds for eternity. That flame burning now in its glow, now buffeted by the winds of the night, the faithful saw a representation of the ancient conflict between good and evil conflict that would spread relentlessly until dawn eternal. The Eternal, the pledge of His future sacrifice, lit in the darkness, the light of truth, and that would be kept burning in the heart of the human being, by virtue of His blood would be shed for the remission of guilt. Against this light, the enemy hurls all the cold winds of wickedness in the hearts of many banishing their sweet brightness. How would they would be lost for refusing the light of heavenly forgiveness, getting enveloped by the darkness of the darkest night! After long hours of combat, appears in the sky signals the dawn. The darkness that had launched his anger with winds on the undying flame looking banish it becomes confusing signals before dawn. The sky dyed bright red, reminds the blood that gushed from the breast of lamb so that the flame of forgiveness could illuminate the human night.

Amid the color of blood, is on the horizon the blazing sun, bringing its warm rays on the taste of victory, involving all his life. Dawn in her wistful affection, caresses the distant paradise, taking his beloved in his bosom morning breeze the scent of nostalgia, a message of comfort and hope to the suffering creatures of the valley of death. Bathed by the warm rays and the breeze of hope, the couple awakens in another Saturday, whose symbolism points to the rest of the kingdom of Yahweh, the culmination of the great conflict between light and darkness. Besides that altar covered with ashes, Adam and Eva contemplate at length the longing paradise.

Though in distant exile, they rejoiced in the knowledge of the sacrifice of the Messiah will shine for them on the Sabbath of Sabbaths: that of tears forever banished; sun always shining in a clear sky; lambs always alive to play on the lawn, a day without evening, when there will be no altar covered in blood and ashes. Sigh for that glorious day when Yahweh will eternally be visible, leading brands in the hands of His infinite love for His children. Prior to the fall, the human being, as well as all the heavenly hosts, learned at the feet of the Creator who patiently taught them the treasures of wisdom contained in the vast compendium of nature.

Everything in the universe, from the tiniest atom to the greatest world, testified in her perfect existence of the character of the heavenly King's teachings. Many, however, remained hidden in the pages of this great book in the run up to the fall: They were like stars, hidden during the day, and revealing their brightness by lowering the shades of night. Having nature captivates the enemy, in an attempt to block the revelation of Eternal Wisdom, introduced it to blurs of selfishness, destruction, misery and death. I did not know that these would show smudges on the face of the depth creation of justice and love of Yahweh, leading the faithful to love Him and reverence Him even more. For the couple, as well as for all the children of light, the nature of the wound broke her veil, revealing new aspects of the Creator's goodness hidden until then. 

Adam and Eve who were accustomed to everlasting flowers in heaven, those who have not seen them bloom, viewed them now appear in tender buttons, amid threats of thorns ready to hurt. These tender flowers without importing with thorns, exhaled sweet odors of praise and gratitude, never getting tired of pleasing the environment. When buffeted by cold winds of the night, these flowers do not resent that, but offer their scent, which transformed the fury of the winds breezes scented with a dawn. Moved by deep gratitude, the couple followed closely the ministry of love those flowers that never tired of blessing, offering their beauty and fragrance as a relief to those who were injured by rude thorns. Those flowers unpretentious and pure, after showing in his short life that forgiveness and love are stronger than all the winds and thorns, in a last effort to communicate joy, exhaled its perfume, toppling wilted and lifeless on the cold ground. Ali, forgotten, turned into meaningless dust that was scattered by the wind. Flowers of death, yet it seemed like failure, the couple revealed the mystery of rebirth of life: Dying, the flowers give life to the fruits that turn after serving food, donated their seeds full of life. On the death of the seed, the miracle of life reborn, multiplying the trees with their flowers ready to repeat the teaching of love and sacrifice. 

The nature, so although tainted by sin, revealed the hidden mystery of the plan of redemption. Each flower blooming amid the thorns in his short life of love, was a symbol of the Savior would be born among the thorns of malice towards her perfume comfort the hearts of the afflicted. Similar to flower, the Messiah after proving that love and forgiveness are more powerful than all the winds of hatred, that truth and justice of the kingdom of Yahweh is greater than all the mistakes and injustices of the kingdom of the enemy, would pour the sap of his life, dying to redeem the guilty.


 Solaced the revelations of nature, Adam and his companion, students in the school of suffering, learned every day to love the Savior more. They grew in wisdom, humility and holiness. All virtues destroyed by sin, reborn in the heart. With encouragement the couple dedicated to the labor edifying gardens planted by the power of Yahweh were filled with fragrant flowers and delicious fruits. His home in exile became a refuge for persecuted animals. The hill, under the protection of the angels of light, became a miniature Eden apart. Among the animals gathered and tamed with love, had many sheep. Adam and Eve could not set eyes on these docile animals for sacrifice, without proving the deep soul of a mixture of pain and gratitude. On the night that preceded each Saturday, Adam had, by order of the Creator, to repeat the painful act. How much bitterness and regret supervene the couple by lowering the dark night of the sacrifice! As consolation brought them the flame of forgiveness that never ceased to shine on the altar, on those nights prefiguratives! The critical value of sacrifice, so that life could flourish under the divine protection, led the couple to appreciate immensely their little flock. 

Every Friday, however, came to bring, besides the pain, restlessness: Who will donate their blood to the altar when the last sheep perishes? In the eyes of the couple amazed, finally happened the miracle of love, renewing them hope to live other weeks in the glow of the flame of forgiveness: a sheep, the fattest of them, started to bleed like a sacrifice; From their pain, born them four lambs. Filled with joy and gratitude, Adam and Eve fell down before the invisible Savior, having hands that brought those new creatures in their eyes the same gentleness and willingness to sacrifice. Convinced that new miracles multiply your days, the couple joined their voice as before, a hymn of praise and worship to the Creator, as also the lambs born of pain in their life to fulfill the greatest of all sacrifices for the salvation of mankind. The Eternal, though invisible to His human children, remained very close, accompanied by an army of angels in tireless ministry of care and protection. The couple was unaware that the sweet calm and peace reigning in that hill, and all its prosperity, the fruits of an intense fight. If your eyes were opened to the scenes occurring invisibly, you would be overcome with astonishment. How dreadful was the enemy and his hosts in their constant attacks for the purpose of ruining the human being, snatching it from the hands of the Creator. 

Seeing that the use of force does not tantamount to victory, the enemy in his cunning devised a trap with which to ensnare the couple. Bringing together their armies, revealed to them his plans saying:  When humans were commanded to sacrifice lambs as symbols of the coming Savior, temp them to look at these symbols as carriers of forgiveness and life, making them gradually forget the reality of sacrifice promised by God. It will be a slow process, but secure victory.

The Creator knowing the danger of this trap, was grieved, because when looking at the future, you can see so many of His children being diverted from the path of salvation by forms. Clinging to many symbols judging them as finding virtue! God in his love and care, did not leave them unaware of the danger that threatened them. He knew how Adam and his companion loved those lambs, to die on the altar, offered them light and heat. Easily they could be induced to see those forms as a source of life and light, passing to revere them. 

Several weeks had passed, bringing the nights of pain and sacrifice, followed by days of hope and longing for the loving Father, who after making promises to them and wiped their tears, had become invisible before their eyes. Each passing day brought new burdens for the couple of homesickness, making them ask every evening: When will we kiss his face again? When will we be involved in His arms, walking in the light of His love?! How longing for Eden felt all those nights when falling asleep in the soft lap of their divine Father!

Another week of work and lessons learned was coming to a close. The sun in its decline heralded another night of repentance and innocent blood bathing of the altar. Silent The couple was far from imagining that night, the painful blow that was always followed by fire, revealed to themthe blessed face of the Father With trembling hands. Adam lifts the dumb lamb, gets no resistance to be laid upon the altar. Tears rolling down his face at the thought of one more innocent animal, hated the darkness of death, with her blood generating fire. 

Sacrifice is painful, but there is no other way of salvation. Solely through the shed blood of the Lamb, will live in the future to contemplate the face of the Father in a painstaking effort that brings down Adam’s pointed stone on the lamb that in a moan of pain sheds his blood. A glorious light banishes darkness soon flooding the entire hill with its rays of life. Through their tears the couple then contemplates in the fire of the altar, the Creator. A gesture of love, Yahweh opens his arms as before, with a smile and walks to the long-awaited hug. Without finding words to express their immense longing, the couple comes up to his chest and weeps bitterly. The heavenly Father, moved, also crying, but tries to console his children with his sweet smile. Excitement with the couple contemplates the face of the Father, involving with kisses and caresses. Their love for him was intensified by suffering. Grateful and happy, walking beside the Creator, showing them the gardens laden with flowers and fruits. They tell you the lessons learned in nature, show his flock tamed by affection. Illuminated by the soft light of the Eternal Father, the couple sits at His feet as before, to hear His teachings.

The Creator, watching them tenderly, proceeds to warn them of the danger. Guide about the sacrifices of lambs, which were important in order to keep in mind the certainty of a coming Savior, as the lambs would be sacrificed for the redemption of sinners. Lambs, however, had no power in themselves to forgive guilt because they consisted merely as symbols of the Messiah King. After being made aware of the danger of becoming attached to the symbols seeking to find salvation in them, the couple was given the job of transmitting these guidelines to their descendants. After warning the human being, the Creator resting his gaze on the sheep that lay dormant along with their puppies, exclaimed: How beautiful are the lambs! The couple, in a mixture of happiness and pain added: They jump when agreed with pleasure, forgetting that at birth and at death cause so much pain. 

After contemplating the lambs, Yahweh looked at the couple tenderly showing them something that surprised and gladdened: With these lambs, there are thirty-six ascendings of the altar, when arms will involve their own first child, as they also arise from pain at birth the son in his childhood. This will bring joy to the lambs jumping in their home. This will instruct them with dedication in the laws of harmony, showing them the path of redemption. Like you, he will be free to choose the direction following. Accepting the teaching, his life will be victorious; those rejecting it, walk to defeat. Adam and Eve heard the promise of eternal joy, but at the same time experienced the depths of being a fear of becoming aware of the responsibility that would come. They knew that Satan would make every effort to take the child promised to perdition. It was late at night when the Creator, after caressing their children, left them asleep on the soft lawn. After the promise, each lamb was brought to the altar pulsed more strongly in the womb the hope of joy that will soon come to birth. 

Thirty-six sacrifices finally receded into darkness fulfilling the time determined by the Creator in which the first child would receive light. With hands still stained by the blood of the sacrifice, Adam steadied his wife at the foot of the altar, prostrated himself overcome by pain that brought her first child. A small child brought no joy in the face of freedom, but the cry of his arrest; This mourning would last all night, not for the brilliance of that flame h                  eated hope that soon attracted the attention of his little alert eyes. Wrapping it with joy, Eva consoled his grief, said: "I have reached the promise of the Eternal." then gave him the name of Cain. 

After engaging the little boy with the soft fur of a lamb, the couple remained awake to meditate. Many were the thoughts that occupied their minds: thoughts of joy, gratitude, hope and longing for the sense of responsibility that weighed on his shoulders now. Caressing tenderly the small child, the couple had matured in their experience, better understanding the mysterious love of Yahweh to save His children, willing Himself to die in their place. Adam and Eve were not alone in their reflections: all intelligent beings in the Universe considered with interest about the future of the helpless baby in a realm of intimacy brought infinite dimensions to be disputed by the two powers. Would they not have the promise? 

The toddler with his shining eyes of joy looked so much like the lambs that were born and grew with the mission to be sacrificed! Considering thus squeezing the couple's young son to his chest began to cry disconsolately. How terrible it would be to offer his little innocent on a rude altar. For the couple in a painful light breaking, emerged in the bright eastern sun reviving its warm rays with the promises that pointed to a Savior who, even in the future, also born of pain to fulfill the eternal plan of redemption. Blessed by the Creator and enveloped by the love and care of parents, the child was developing in his physical and mental nature, becoming every day a bigger target relentless battle between the spiritual hosts.

Adam and Eve, eager to make him understand the truths of salvation, taking him in their arms every dawn and at the edge of altar he pointed to Eden in the distance, telling those stories of emotion which the little Cain still could not understand. Which was the joy of those parents, to see him in a sunny morning, with the little hand pointing to the home of nostalgia, pronouncing the sacred name of the Creator. Thrilled he took him in his arms, asking him to repeat this sublime name, which was the key of happiness, always drew them to a paradise of eternal love. All hosts of light bowed themselves with joy at the small child to pronounce the name of the divine King. Weeks went by bringing new victims to the altar, and the little Cain, the focus of attention and care of Yahweh, the hosts of light and those lovers, the parents tireless mission to instruct him, gathering his few words, always curious about everything had to wonder.

Declined the day when the boy lying at his mother's lap, asked her: - Mom, why the sun always goes away, leaving us in the cold and the dark?" Eve surprised beheld her son, finding no words to answer his question that brought him to the remembrance of past happiness destroyed by guilt. After a moment of silence, kissing the face of little Cain said to him: - Sonny one day the sun will come to stay, bringing in its rays a world of harmony, there will be no animals to fight or to die as lambs on the altar. Little Cain wanting to see that day dawn soon, he said to his mother: Mom, tomorrow the sun will rise in paradise; ask it to stay! so I can play, play, and never sleep." Eager to see daybreak that would not end, the little Cain only fell asleep after making his mother promise to ask the sun to stay.

A new day with bright sun to walk the sky came to Cain, bringing in its rays joy and warmth. While playing in the garden, his curious little eyes were turned often to the sun that seemed to caress him with a smile of hope. Seeing it, however, walk towards the west, the small child ran to his mother, asking her: Mom, he promised to stay?" Eve, taking him in her arms, smiled at him trying to make him understand with simple words as he pointed to his distant paradise, the story of redemption. The sun would come one day to stay. Cain, dissatisfied with his mother's words proved not to have patience to wait for that day that lay far in the future. Repeated in tears: "I want the sun today, not tomorrow!" Eva patiently sought to calm her son, talking about the birth of Yahweh, which can make the evening an arrow to the heart. How painful were the words of rebellion of Cain that penetrated the heart of Eve, making her cry bitterly.

Believers throughout the universe joined in mourning. An infinite sadness hung over the heart of the rejected Creator. Sketched on the gestures of Cain were the first steps down the path of rebellion. How many would follow towards death! unaware of the sadness that had shot up over the kingdom of light. Adam, saw the sun declining on the horizon, left his job in the field heading for home. The little Cain only fell asleep after making his mother promise to ask the sun to stay. A new day with bright sun to walk the sky came to Cain, bringing in its rays of joy and warmth. While playing in the garden, his curious little eyes were turned often to the sun that seemed to caress him with a smile of hope. Seeing the son, however, move towards the west, the small child ran to his mother, asking her: Mom, he vowed to stay? "Eve, taking him in his arms, smiled at him trying to make him understand with simple words as he pointed to his distant paradise, the story of redemption. The sun would come one day to stay.

Cain, dissatisfied with his mother's words proved not to have patience to wait for that day that lay far in the future. repeated in tears: "I want the sun today, not tomorrow!" Eva patiently sought to calm her son, talking about the birth of Yahweh, which Cain made the evening an arrow to the heart. How painful words of rebellion of Cain penetrated the heart of Eve, making her crying bitterly. Believers throughout the universe joined in mourning. An infinite sadness hung over the heart of the rejected Creator. This sketched on the gestures of Cain the first steps down the path of rebellion. How many would follow towards death! unaware of the sadness that had shot up over the kingdom of light,

Adam, to see the sun declining on the horizon, left his job in the field heading to home. He had a song in his heart while walking to another meeting with his family. When approaching the altar, he saw his companion beside it prostrate. With sobs of great sorrow, Adam joined them in mourning. The memory of the Savior, however, consoled them. Wiping the tears of his young son, told him tenderly: "We can rejoice sonny, because Yahweh promised to make the sun shine forever in heaven and he is like a fire that appears at the altar, banishing the darkness of the night."

With their eyes focused on the last glow of the afterglow, Cain remained without comfort. That evening, there was as usual a cheerful dinner. A small family, sadly, remained silent to meditate for long hours until sleepily falling asleep under the starlight. The enemy and his hosts of wickedness in sarcasm mocked that night suffering from God and His faithful. Repeating the words of the little rebellion, Satan boasted as winner. In defiance of the Creator spoke: See how this my little slave rejects you! The same will happen with all those who will be born. I am sure that the right domain will never leave my hands. All hosts rebels repeated in echo the grievances of the deceiver, humiliating the subjects who suffered light at the side of the Eternal. With their reproach, the enemy sought Yahweh to give up his plan of redemption. If that happened, his kingdom of darkness would last for all eternity, supplanting the field of light. Responding to the challenge of the enemy, the Eternal said solemnly: Although all reject me, I will fulfill the promise.

The Creator could not bear the thought of seeing the little Cain walk to perdition. He interceded for him every day, offering to justice who would shed His blood. Mighty angels guarded him every moment, beating the spiritual darkness that surround looking to make it insensitive to the benefits of salvation, which were illustrated by symbols. Adam and Eve in their tireless ministry of love, every day taught Cain the spiritual lessons illustrated in nature, sought to establish it on every Saturday Sabbath on his youthful mind the hope of eternal life, which would be the result of the sacrifice of the Savior. He, after living a sinless life, would die as a lamb, in order to expel the darkness forever. Cain was moved at times with the teachings, but almost always questioned hesitantly. Disgusted asked:  Why did Lucifer rebel?

One night, refusing to listen to the advice of his parents, accused of all evil saying: "If not now have a sun shining, it is your fault." Contemplation of Eden distant bathed in sunshine birthed in the heart of youthful Cain thoughts of adventure. He began to think: "This paradise is not so far as to say to Mom and Dad, Why wait and suffer so long?! It is so beautiful! From it comes the sun all day! If we conquer, it's easy to hold the light in its source; Thus we will live in a paradise of eternal sunshine."

The ideas of adventure in Cain, filled the hearts of Adam and Eve with sadness. They saw that his interest was only in this present time. He dreamed of a paradise of happiness and light conquered by his strength. On his plans, he felt no need of a Savior; for, he was so young, intelligent, and full of life and ideals. The days of struggles, sacrifices and intercessions for the fate of Cain were going on. Precious opportunities arose each day before him to cling to the Savior, but all rejected, one by one. In their unbelief he came to doubt the existence of Yahweh, which he had never seen. Parents that came against these false ideas but always with patience, tried to save him from perdition to which he was walking. He promised one day after smiling with an air of incredulity, that he would believe in the Creator and His plan of salvation, if He became visible at the time of sacrifice.

Burning with faith, those parents began to cry out to the Eternal. His visible presence could perhaps save that dear son who every day became more rebellious. The Creator heard the cry of the afflicted parents. Although he knew that his appearance would hardly break the heart of the young Cain and his rebellious spirit, was willing to comply with the request. He would extend His arms and befriend Cain, looking with love to conquer his heart. He might know like other desires and dreams of adventure might easily identify Himself with him, captivating him, because he was also someone who always carried in his chest dreams of adventure. It was not the creation of the universe a great adventure?!

His dream was not seeing it studded with blazing suns illuminating a billion worlds with its luster?! There was also his biggest cross the valley of death, seeking the conquest of Eden apart, forever trapping the sun in your sky?! They had much in common! Cain was curious that Friday. On the face of parents, through courage and joy, fruit of a great faith. Encouraged by this expression of confidence, the young man began to assist them in preparing for the holy Sabbath. The sun finally dodged by rolling to the west, leaving as usual its wake of longing announcing fear.

In the darkness, Cain discerned the white figure of the lamb being raised to the altar by the father's hands. This tireless priest who was always begging the Creator for the salvation of his beloved son. With uplifted hand, Adam was about to blow which could perhaps break the heart of Cain unbelief, giving birth in a single moment of belief in salvation. His lips uttered then the prayer of faith: Eternal Father, hear my request, my child needs Thee! Only your glance can conquer him. Come Lord! This earnest prayer fell on ears that son that stirred him up. Only prayer would be enough to convince him of the actual existence of a Savior.

While wiping the tears of emotion, Cain trembles at the sound of the blow of death. Everything was solemn at that time; would the Creator of the world come in response to the prayer of love?! How would he face in his unbelief?! A strong logo glow enveloped the whole hill bathing also the eastern valley. Eyes wide with Cain then landed in the loving eyes of the Creator who brought the face a glow greater than the sun, but not blinding. beholding Him. With awe, Cain said: He is young like me, and he looks like the sun! Adam and Eve, moved by the great missing of Him were eager to jump to the Savior's chest and kissing him, but left that. He met first with Cain. With joy they saw the precious child involved in the arms of a great friend, who was like his star. After a long embrace, Yahweh also hugged and kissed the dear couple, companions in suffering. With joy, went out to walk in the gardens of the hill.

At the center were the Creator and Cain, flanked by Adam and his companion. What happiness experienced these steps! Were complete. Cain won the affection of the Eternal Father showed Him their pets and their small garden full of beautiful flowers. How was he delighted to see them colored tonight undone by the brilliance of the Creator, as in the daylight! It seemed even the sun lowered them. Thinking about the Sun, Cain and loved him, began to talk about him saying: Because it is beautiful and good! When he walks away, it leaves her bloody tears a feeling of sadness and fear. Everything disappears in their absence: the animals, the garden, even the birds hush their corners! But suffice it to say ... it will show up, everything is full of charm; Nature awakens softly, looking even fear the darkness, but when you see them flee, is alert and sings; animals, the birds, the garden, ... it all comes back to live happy!

But this happiness always ends!! After speaking these words, the Creator looking at Cain curiously was asked: "Dad always said it was you who created the sun is that true? With a smile of sincerity Yahweh answered him, Yes. When you did in the beginning, Cain continued, he fled to the west? He never escapes, answered the Eternal, the world is fleeing him. He is saddened by this ingratitude! But how? Cain asked, watching his curious face light. With tender words, Yahweh came to tell him the story of Lucifer in his ingratitude banned from their eyes and the eyes of a multitude of creatures, the brightness of His face - the True Sun. After this act many were deluded saying it was the Sun who ran them.

With his cunning, continued the Creator, the rebel angel sought to drag humans into darkness, and succeeded. The sun that day, cried many tears of blood that bathed the whole sky. In his last breath of light, however, he promised the world has taken the darkness, to return one day to shine forever, filling your entire life within. After speaking these words to him, the Eternal staring at the young man, with an expression of sadness in the eyes concluded by saying: Today, the rebel angel promises his followers that will hold its strength with the sun, but he will never be able to realize this plan, it does not have the bond that can stop His love.

Crestfallen, Cain heard from the lips of the Creator that story of promises, which he was already tired of listening to his parents. This story gave him no pleasure, because it showed a long night of sacrifices on the altar, and a Savior to perish in pain. Actually, Cain saw no reason for all this. Why not just banish suffering coloring darkness light?! In an effort to conquer it, the Eternal with great love to that young man looked unhappy, and told him that only the blood of His sacrifice could make the sun shine forever in a kingdom of eternal happiness and peace. There was no other way for this achievement. Therefore, patience should be resting up under His care. After talking for a long time with Cain, in an attempt to make him recognize his need for salvation, Yahweh Himself returning to the couple came to comfort them with the promise of the birth of another child. Over thirty-six sacrifices would be counted, and their arms would involve the second child. Also born of pain, but the eyes would shine and comfort of salvation. The witness of fidelity would be perpetuated through all generations, the symbol of an altar covered in blood.

The weeks were going, bringing the couple of new joys and sorrows: a heart full of pulsating life in the womb of Eve, and an empty smelling of death growing in the heart of the young Cain. Though he has been dazzled before the manifestation of Yahweh in anything that you changed your appearance so arrogant to think about the meaning of life. He saw no point in the sacrifices offered on the altar. In the days following his meeting with the Creator, he argued with his parents saying: If I were as powerful as the Eternal, I will never submit to the sacrifice to regain the lost kingdom. He is strong, and shining like the sun. He could with one word expel all darkness, giving us paradise. So much suffering?! With this argument, Cain was assumed wiser than the Creator. Who knows, in the next meeting would have the opportunity to advise him. Thus, the young Cain deepened increasingly in the abyss of pride and selfishness - illusions to place where he was going, thinking to be heading for victory. Lucifer was now coupled with a third of the heavenly hosts attracted by this same illusion?! The good Yahweh, however, does not seal the fate of Cain without first seeking all forms to save him from eternal ruin. Such undeserved grace, fruit of heavenly love, would be granted to every human being that would be born into this world.


The thirty-six weeks announced by the Creator were fulfilled, bringing the night's holy Sabbath, which would go up to the altar a lamb's promise - one that diving in darkness, eyes would shine in the comfort of the Abel Light. Similar to a lamb, Eva felt that night the pain of giving birth. Adam, with his hands still bathed in the blood of the sacrifice involved the frail body of this child with the soft fur of a sheep - robes symbolizing a just protective Savior. Contemplating and cherishing him in his arms, Adam told him fondly: "Sonny, your father is Yahweh." Then gave him the name of Abel. When the dawn came Cain witnessed the joy of his parents for the birth of that son but was possessed by feelings of jealousy and wrath and told them that, for all his life, he only saw him cry. Would this little intruder alone be worthy of their joys? Adam and Eve fondly sought to show how much they loved Cain, and Abel's birth should not sadden him, but cheer him for the privilege of having a brother who will be a friend and companion, could work together to change the world into a haven of peace.

Abel, surrounded by divine grace grew in their physical and mental nature. Still small, he began to understand the meaning of those bloody sacrifices. The thought that the Creator of the universe would become a child as he, with the mission to offer himself in sacrifice as those innocent lambs, for the redemption of sinners, thrilled him to tears. Like Cain, Abel loved nature with its gardens full of flowers and fruits; he was also sad to see the sun fall over the horizon, wounded by the dark night. However, his meat was not adventurous dreams, but of hope and confidence that they would surrender like lambs to the altar, after heating with the light of His truth man's heart in the night of sin arise as sun on Saturday, bringing the eternal victory.

The couple, fertilized by heavenly love, spawned two girls who, in turn, began to be played in the great spiritual battle for the fate of the universe. Aware of their responsibility, those parents sought to impress upon the minds of their daughters, the eternal truths of the kingdom of light. In this effort they were aided by Abel, to whom the plan of redemption was the theme of his most sweet meditations; Just looking for a lamb, came to his mind the sweet remembrance of the promised redemption. It was his great love for the Creator that led him to become a shepherd.

The influence of Cain, however, was negative about those talking girls. He lived his dreams of adventure. Pointing to the distant paradise, home of the rising sun, promised to win you a day with his forces. No more nights, because he would stop the sun before its departure. In his conquest, the valleys become dark in flower gardens filled with peace. Inspired by this ideal, Cain became a farmer. Planted gardens that bore flowers and fruits. He fought strongly against thorns and thistles, which he believed he could finally banish completely with his effort. Poor Cain, slave to an illusion! Cain had finally become similar in stature to his father. He had the face flushed like sun he loved, and his muscles the power that he thought needed to stop him before his departure.

Driven by dreams fed since childhood, now preparing for a road trip: would go down to the unknown valley and would walk toward the house of the sun. He did not know how many days would be gone from his home, but he was sure it would be victorious in his mission. Full of enthusiasm, Cain revealed his decision to leave his family. All were concerned, and sought repeatedly to make him give up his plan. In the valley, said his parents, live wild animals, always ready to devour. Between laughs, Cain sought to convince them talking about their strength. He told them that in his day, far from finding defeats, find the lost path that would lead to regaining the dream shattered by sin.

Abel, who knows the true path that leads to victory, with tears of compassion tried to stop him, telling him the plan of redemption. Turning his back, Cain went thwarted. Angered for not finding any support from his family, for his noble mission. Adam and Eve, accompanied by Abel and their two daughters, sadly followed him begging to stay, but he went forward in his steps down the hill, plunging into that menacing jungle that separated them from paradise. The evening reached Cain already far from home, that forest dangerous and hostile. The darkness brought fear to his heart; already was not that brave fighter who promised victory in all his steps. He remembered home and had regret the way ungrateful as their parents had treated him that morning. There in the dark valley for the first time longed for the sacrificial fire; however, he had never believed in redemption symbolized by the death of the lamb! He believed in the power of his own life, warmed by the sun, growing in strength and hope one day to stop it over a kingdom of eternal peace and harmony.

At home, his parents and siblings could not sleep. They were willing to go in search of the beloved Cain, but where to find him? Remembered the cruel demons that infested the invisible valley, tormenting animals day after day would become fiercer. In agony he fell down at the feet of the invisible Creator and cried earnestly for His protection. Besought Him to bring back home, because without it, everything was so sad. The Eternal deeply loved Cain, and never left him alone in that forest. Responding to the prayers from that afflicted family, He sent His angels to protect him from all dangers. Cain won over the oppressive darkness of night that brought with it the winds of fear, resistless now he fell to the cold ground. He remained there until his courage and strength were restored by the light of dawn.

Excited by the brightness of hope, continued his adventurous steps towards birthplace of the sun: the paradise which dreamed of since childhood. His feet led him to that day through a valley intensely marked by death. Gazed with astonishment on all sides dry bones and remains of animals devoured ferociously. To his ears, came howls and cries of beasts threatening. While bathed in sunshine, Cain began to be afraid. He remembered the home, the advice and entreaties of parents; through the constant prayers that were with him, he was sure that they would not let him cry for food security in that dangerous forest, despite their ingratitude. Taken in amazement, he finally saw the sun slowly walk to his death daily. If he trembled in its presence, what he would happen in the dark night?! Reviving, however, the dreams that had since childhood, as a soldier even hit by a stroke, rises in a last ditch effort to win, Cain fed up of mind; He would overcome the fear and conquer the whole jungle, banishing it all, dry bones and signs of death. Refreshed by illusory plans in firm steps continued their journey.

Poor Cain! The first of a crowd, enslaved by the same dreams of progress, would walk into the night, thinking to find the birthplace of all light. Before the eyes of Cain who could ever imagine that every step he took led him farther that sun which aimed to conquer, distant shone through the branches one dazzling light. Full of curiosity, hurried steps, asking silent: But how, if I see it decline?! That would be another star in his crib waiting for the departure time for that daily ordeal? With his heart pounding with emotion, said in his footsteps, judging power that new day stop him in his departure; thus inaugurate a kingdom of light, conquered by his strength. Rushing to light, however, when he saw its fading already close; would cause him vertigo. No fade of light permitted to prove his eyes saw brightness.

Noting glare, Cain was stunned to see that it came from the face of a cherub powerful protector who, since the fall of their parents remained there watching the currencies of Eden. Mute, Cain watched the sweet face of that angel, expressive of love, was reborn in his heart emotions of childhood. He had now forgotten his mission, in remembrance reliving the encounter he had with the Creator that evening sacrifice. The cherub was similar to Yahweh, having a glow on the face of the sun. Stamping concern in the countenance, the angel after contemplating it at length asked: - What search my son? Remembering their forgotten ideal, Cain replied: - I seek the source of the day, the birthplace of the sun. "Angel kept asking: - What drives you to seek him with such longing." Cain replied: - I am a lover of light that makes me see every day the fruit of my labor. I admire it since my childhood, so brings on my heart the ideal to stop it on the sky."

The Cherub puzzled watched him, unsure how to convince him that the illusion he nurtured for so many years. After a moment of silence the angel with an air of sadness, trying to make him remember the words that the Creator had said at that meeting, asked: - How will you stop it? Confident Cain raised his arms in response. Were not huge gardens not built with them?! The Angel, in an effort to make him understand that the sun is a symbol of the Savior said to him: - Cain, nothing can stop him except love. Whoever loves is walking in the same direction as the sun. Where are you seen walking every day? There is westward? then follows in his footsteps and never see him cry tears of blood. The sun accompanies him on his journey and see what you always called death, is a joyful dawn for a continent in addition, lost in the darkness." With this affirmation of the Angel Cain did remember the last words spoken by the Eternal that night turned into day. He said that only the blood of His sacrifice could make the light shine forever triumph over darkness.

Annoyed, Cain bowed his head, determined not to follow Him in this direction. Shaken, Cain was now faced with a serious decision that would change the course of his life and a crowd that would follow him. Mute and trembling remained prostrate at the feet of the angel, while fierce struggle waged in his heart. Since childhood nurtured an ideal, moving toward a paradise which thought to conquer by force. Now the angel pointed him a path opposite of love and sacrifice: it was taught by parents and by the Creator. Sorry, Cain wished to return home, but the enemy opposed inspiring his nakedness. How would he face his family, whom he had promised victory because of his own strength, returning empty-handed?! With young Cain, prostrate at his feet, with the voice of the angel tenderly urged: - Son, go back home! There is no way to win besides love. He may have thorns on the path and an altar, but it's a safe path because it always takes the traveler to the arms of a loving family, fondly hopes the fruit of his forgiveness.

Humiliated not going back, this is not the path of the sun?! The path of pride is always unknown; On your path can have flowers and the promise that there will be no altar, but the end is always in the night, far from the heated arms for forgiveness. Return to home son! Come back!! The angel with his loving advice was finally able to convince Cain. He was determined to follow the path of love, undoing the steps hitherto driven by selfishness. Now await the sun to humbly follow him towards the altar, no longer spoke to him of defeat, but of triumph over death. In the distant hill, stood the family praying incessantly for Cain. In his desire, could not stay away from that altar, birthplace of tears and blood. There beside him, Cain came into the world, bathed in the light of the sacrifice; All had been instructed in the way of salvation. All unsparing in faith to see him return repentant. Under the smile of the Angel, Cain overcome by exhaustion of his broken dreams, fell asleep one step from the invisible walls of paradise - walls that could only be finally transposed the love which sacrifices.

A gentle breeze woke him that morning, inviting him to follow the sun on that journey to the altar. How two companions would advance on the thorns, breaking them with their wounded feet, as warriors would walk towards the hill of the evening, not to be overcome through the night, but to destroy it in his escape. In this march to redemption, finally on the distant altar, not defeated by death, but winning life born of light. With humility, Cain took the first steps on the path of repentance - that way right after the altar, you came back to his loving home. Steps were moved by faith, because before you could not see the face of his companion, the sun, but he was sure his presence because the shoulders could feel its warmth caressing him in a tender embrace. They were fellow travelers on the road to victory.

It was the sixth day. On the hill, the anxious family, was gathered for the morning around the altar, unconsciously processing what Cain was experiencing living there in the currencies of Eden. With tears they prayed to Yahweh for their dear Cain, longing to see him return. Now was the preparation day, joined in the work, leaving everything in order to receive the holy Sabbath: retract the gardens, collected food, trimmed robes and split the lamb for the sacrifice was an activity often interrupted by trips to altar, where extended length the gaze over the valley, hoping that seeing emerge who both loved.

Cain, though tired from the long journey, still advancing with light steps, longing to reach the foot of the hill before night. Currently it was still distant; the sun was still drenching the west. The evening that until the day before had been seen as the victory of darkness over light, processed up before his eyes. Now he saw the sun shrouded by clouds paints a vivid red, fall like a conquering hero, about to deliver a continent apart, the power of the night. Darkness enveloped the valley, and it Cain who, with eyes fixed on the last flash dissipate the horizon, struggled to continue in his footsteps. On the hill, the patriarch Adam, with his heart throbbing with longing, yearning and pain, preparing to offer sacrifice. Intercede as ever that night by his son, whose absence tortured his soul. Eve, by slow, sorrowful steps, followed her husband into the altar, accompanied by Abel and his two daughters. They all suffered much that night, by the absence of Cain. Hope to see him off almost entirely banished.

In a painful effort Adam raised the lamb, laying it on the altar. How painful was sacrificing, but there was no other way. Head down into the darkness, Cain reflected. All his past built by illusory dreams saw red in the heavens, at dawn of the fifth day, went into the unknown, to a halt in the valley afraid of bones, where the evening turned with longing, awaited the time to pursue his journey, guided the fire that will indicate the direction of his home. Moved by the pain of homesickness and the last ray of hope to embrace his son, Adam raised his knife to kill the lamb. From his quivering lips, then escapes one harrowing prayer in favor of his son: - Lord, now I understand how you suffer with the rebellion of your rebel children, who switched your love and warmth of a loving family that lives within the light, for the darkness of the valley, where despair and death draw with illusions of victory. Right now my hand is raised to hurt this innocent sheep who, with his precious blood will feed the fire of hope to embrace my son who is lost. Do Lord, with the glow of this flame can reach my Cain where he is, making him return home sorry. 

All the subjects of the Eternal with emotion beheld the poignant scene of meaning so grand. That father shaky and upset, ready to sacrifice in favor of erring child, saw the great Father, His human children to attract the valley of perdition, offer the greatest sacrifice. Upon his agonizing prayer, Adam immolated Lamb. The fire of hope arose immediately in bright flame, dispelling the darkness that enveloped that hill. Cain to be moved by the joy of Saturday raised his brow in the darkness hoping to behold the glow of victory, raised his hands to heaven grateful when he saw arise in the darkened horizon the star of acceptance. Full of cheer he continued in his footsteps of faith. Although it was impossible to see and understand all the obstacles that arose in his path causing him to stumble, he kept his gaze on the brightness of the slain lamb, always advancing, with the certainty of victory.

Cain's footsteps led him finally to the hill where he could see his family together in the light of the altar. With heart pounding by fatigue and emotion, in light steps ascended the hill, stopping at the altar. His family, with his eyes closed prayed for him. It contained the tears upon hearing his father cry: - "Lord Cain My, my Cain! When enfold him in my arms?! Wish to return to the past, when gladly took him on her lap. He was my joy and hoped to have it always safe with me. But oh Lord he was growing and moving away, led by his dreams of adventure. And today is already the fourth day without our Cain! My heart is broken for his absence, and no longer bear to live without it! If the Eternal can bring back our Cain, and he is happy beside Thee. Amen.

After the prayer, Adam opened his eyes to behold the flame of forgiveness that could perhaps attract your child from that dark valley. His gaze went from full on Cain lying prostrate at the altar. Not containing the joy, Adam, with a shout of victory jumped to him by his son, wrapping him in his arms. The whole family accompanied this affectionate gesture, partying with laughter and tears of emotion, the return of that beloved son and brother. Under the light of the altar, everyone sat down finally going to listen carefully the past experience by Cain in that dense forest. He told of the fear he felt that first night away from home; spoke of Death Valley, where he saw many animal bones devoured ferociously; told of light that appeared at dusk, making him hasten his steps judging be the emergence of the sun. He spoke of the bright angel who had drawn for currencies of Eden, taking him with their advice and words of wisdom and love for a change of direction.

He told of his return, the struggles and temptations that faced each step. Concluded counting the joy he felt upon seeing the appearance that night of the fire on the altar, which resembles a star, guided his steps through that valley taken by darkness. For the family, comforted by the return of Cain, finally came the dawn of joyful victory, bringing in its breeze the scent of Edenic green meadows covered with eternal flowers. On that Saturday morning, joined in songs of gratitude to the Creator for life, forgiveness, and the certainty that their happy marriage would never be tainted by sin. "Even if I knew your future rebellion, the Creator would do everything possible to keep him safe from the enemy. On the hill, at the home filled with happiness, Cain became after his conversion on the main subject of praise and celebration. As a child, humble and submissive, Cain walked among his face taking in the glow of love and hope, which were nourished by the light of the altar. Tears of gratitude now distinguished in each lamb slain Redeemer coming to perish in pain to give them the light of eternal victory.

Joyfully, Cain testified before his family and before the vast universe, the peace that now flooded his soul now reborn; never before experienced such a feeling of freedom, both love. Cooling his mind, however, began to lower the shadows of temptation, which intensified to immerse it in dark night. was beset by many temptations in his heart seemed to reinvigorate the illusory dreams of his past. Voices seemed to shout in his heart saying: - Let this path that leads no victory! Enough of these bloody sacrifices which bring death! Admire the gardens planted by you, and see how they celebrate life. You are wise and strong, and able to build an empire of peace and prosperity, colored by extensive gardens that bloom in the eternal spring sun.

Shaken by the storm of temptations, Cain, almost flinching, let it show on his face the agony that flooded his soul. Thus his grief was soon perceived putting his family that worried about him into wanting to know the reasons for his distress. Fearing to expose his family to what ailed him, shut up saying it was just a feeling of regret would soon pass. Parents were afflicted, as rightly concluded that it was Satan who was pressing it in order to drag him back to slavery. Tears, those fathers cried unto the Creator in favor of that child who, afflicted, walked from one side to the other trying to find relief. Powerful Angels strove up insistent that conflict waged become invisible to human eyes. Though severely tested, Cain would not reach the point of being forced by the enemy to surrender to sin for he had an army at his side to support him in his footsteps loyalty. All Universe was attentive to the decisions of Cain, which could influence the experience of countless human beings who follow in his footsteps. Guided by the example of his parents, Cain sought refuge in prayer for his tortured soul. He fervently implored the Creator to firm up his footsteps.

Though he felt a strong call to return to the path of pride and adventure, he was determined to continue his footsteps by rail bumpy love and sacrifice. Fearing not to reach his goal on Cain, Satan ordered his warriors to suspend those desperate attacks. He told them that through subtle deception circumvent unlikely to achieve the victory by force. Consequently, peace reigned again in the mind of Cain that united the family, sang praises to the Eternal, the author of their salvation. Whilst one family joyfully celebrated another victory achieved in the life of Cain, the hosts of darkness were gathered plotting new attack plans. Several ideas were presented, but those made by Lucifer prevailed, the archdeceiver. confident He said: - If as we approached Cain as friends on their journey on the path of salvation, inspiring thoughts and feelings of faith in the Redeemer, we will not be difficult to introduce subtlety with the seeds of rebellion that germinate one by one on his trusting heart, making him finally belittle the sacrifices of blood on the altar, with the thought of no longer rely on this symbol to have in his deluded mind the coming Savior. When judging and have reached spiritual maturity, he will be back into the abyss."

That hill, which was the center of attention of the whole universe, succeeded to the small family day of joy, prosperity and peace. They grew in ever more wisdom and grace, treading the path of salvation. Behind this peace, however, the family unconsciously joyous, a dangerous trap armed itself. The Lord and His armies were concerned about this situation, because they knew that their enemies could cause this outfit, a large ruin to humanity, the experience of which processes the redemption of the universe. Warriors of Light now, they would not fight the darkness, but against a tinsel. Apparently surrounded by positive influences, which carry all thought of the Creator, Cain became gradually confident and secure victory promised. His love for the Eternal seemed to become immense, and vibrated to provide the perfect happiness that reach the dawn of eternal day. Aware that Satan followed him in his religious experience, saw there time to draw him with his false light, diverting it from the path of righteousness. Supervised once again his warriors to act with caution and patience, subtly inspiring thoughts and feelings apparent reason to take him imperceptibly to neglect finally the blood sacrifice on the altar, judging be reached at his sanctification a higher level, in which no longer depends on that painful rite.

In his love of learning, and attachment to the whole revelation, Cain began to have their attention drawn to the false glow that initially seemed to make it clear and a safe path of redemption. Presented with courage to his family that admired gathered to their feet, the thoughts of apparent wisdom and grace, generated by his new experience. Gone was the knowledge to know that those ideas so beautiful and captivating, were originated by one who through the serpent seduced Eve had succeeded in his words and praises, Cain proceeded to exalt the Savior, praising His future sacrifice. Inspiring these thoughts, Satan gained the sympathy not only of Cain, as well as all that family. However, Cain apparently became a teacher and eloquent preacher of righteousness and truth, deceived in his false security, began to despise his teachings in the sacrifice of the lamb on the altar. He argued that only the illustrations of nature and verbal instructions were sufficient to record the human mind the truths of redemption.

Appealing to the emotions of the family, said that the goal established by the Creator through those sacrifices had been made in their lives, could now avoid this pain, presenting offerings on the altar of flowers and fruits, natural symbols of redemption. A large bow pitched up on that family, taking him to a large inner struggle. On one side was the path of pain and altar bathed in blood, and the other, the joy of an apparent victory, celebrated by an altar covered with flowers and fruits. They accepted the proposal if coming through Cain, would fall under the domain of temptation. Family in race, Satan through Cain insisted, trying to get them to decide on their side, saying that if the Eternal does not care about this change, maturing and expressing gratitude for His sacrifice, also symbolized by flowers and fruits. The hole universe was in commotion, before the decision that family was about to manifest. What was at stake was the throne of the universe. After fierce spiritual battle, aware of the deception that lurked in the words of Cain, those parents fearing being dragged away from Salvador, decided to reject that proposal. Influenced by the decision in favor of the truth revealed by the Eternal, Abel and his younger sister placed themselves alongside the parents.

Only the older sister, who cultivated the intimate great admiration for Cain, remained undecided, favoring her older brother in the discussions that took place. Although count on the fall of the entire human family, the hosts of light enemy rejoiced in having Cain as a slave again. To battle now the conquest of that young undecided that joined her brother, could become the mother of a sinful generation, within which to fortify the kingdom of darkness. Becoming aware of the rebel position of Cain, Adam and Eve, followed by his two faithful children, began to beseech him with love, trying to convince him of the error. That son, however, maintained its position without being aggressive. Was confident of having the approval of the Creator for his revolutionary ideas. Cain was sad not to have the whole family at his side, but perked up before the manifestation of understanding and support from his sister. The affinity of his ideas led them to spend long hours talking about the future. Thus was born among them the idea of building a new altar where Cain, as a priest, could put in place a new service offering in place of lambs, flowers and fruits.

This, of course, meant the formation of a new home because Adam as priest of a cult conservative, never allow the altar of his family was tainted by a cult than that established by the Creator. The ideal was growing in the heart of this young couple, bringing dreams of a home filled with children playing in paradise bathed in sunshine. Cain, the lord and master of that new family, would lead a walk of victory, illuminated by the glow of a fire more brighter than the lamb, which would rise from his altar covered with flowers and fruits. 


Similar to Cain, Abel had become too adult, fell in love with his younger sister - the one who from childhood had been bound to him by ties of intimate affection. Together they walked through the fields, keeping the flock, while considering with interest the teachings of love written in nature. Adam and Eve as well as the Creator and his faithful hosts found comfort and hope in the experience of these two young people who have never failed to reflect in their eyes the flame from that altar which indicated their bloody path of redemption.

Cain, in his longing to have a home, joining the one he loved, came finally to his parents, asking them if they would present to the Creator his request, and wait for the manifestation of His will. Adam the kindly father who interceded every day at the altar by his family, and a special way for those kids who ventured into a path of delusions, presented with sadness the request of Cain to the Eternal of Light. He awaited the manifestation of His will on this important step in the bosom of humanity. Cain and his beloved sister, now eagerly awaiting the day of sacrifice, when they could surely have an encounter with the One who created all things. They were convinced that he would not refuse the realization of his dream and manifest support for his own ideal of worship.

The sun declined to the end of that sixth day, giving way to the darkness of one more Saturday. The whole family gathered reverently at the altar, while Adam preparing the lamb for the sacrifice. Would the Creator in response to the desire of this young couple? This question weighed upon them all, and in particular on Cain and his sister companion. The Lord heard the request of Cain presented through Adam, and was ready to manifest Himself in response to this demand. Weighed about his being, however, a great sadness, because I cannot bless this young couple with the fullness of happiness and which sought to obtain peace in that union. Only a true marriage could give them these virtues. The Creator established marriage as a sacred trust, of eternal significance. The union of the couple, under the blessing of the Eternal, should symbolize the spiritual union between God and humans. Marriage, therefore, lost its prefigurative sense, for those who despised symbol of that union, found that since the fall of man, its culmination in the sacrifice of the lamb and that marriage.

The Eternal had determined to teach through the wedding ceremony, the truth essential that only through the death of the Messiah, in time, he would marry the human race, in an eternal covenant of peace. Therefore, His blessing could only be obtained by those who submit to the symbolic ritual. The lamb bound on the altar, who felt through his own heart the knife stone, after causing him deep pain, plunged in the darkness of death. About the blood flows out of its agony, a light that was born immediately became intense, even frighten all darkness away that covered that hill. Amid the glare, the family gathered and could distinguish the glorious presence of the Creator who meekly bowed about them, with his friendly smile. The happiness of meeting was enormous because it had been years since his last appearance, which occurred during the birth of Abel. For them, therefore, that meeting was very special. After warmly welcoming this family, the Eternal communicated to them that could be the new joy. He told them that he had heard the request for Cain, who presented him out by Adam, and had come with the purpose of guiding them about the steps that should take to achieve that dream.

First they became aware of the responsibility they assume in front of Him and the whole universe, because in their spontaneous union, would bring children into the world, which should be instructed in the way of salvation. He told them also of the functions that would play in its new home. Cain, like Adam, was a priest and teacher; should therefore build an altar to offer sacrifices on it. His companion, in the likeness of his kindly mother, should be submissive and always ready to assist him with daily chores. With joy, Cain and his companion of Yahweh heard these words of guidance and approval to marriage. Abel and his companion to the feet of the Creator listened attentively to His words of approval to the marriage of brothers looked at each other driven by an intense desire to form also a home where following the example of parents could play a ministry of love.

Reading in his eyes the desire born in the heart, the Eternal with a smile enveloped in his arms, and told them that they could also build an altar. Tears of emotion, Abel and his sister fell down at the feet of the Creator, thanking Him for giving them so sacred gift. The Lord began to guide those young people about the ceremony that entwined them. He instructed them again to build the altar. Cain built his altar, and Abel his. Each prepare a special deal, to offer a sacrifice on the night precede the next dawn of Saturday. The approval and blessing of Yahweh to marriage, would manifest itself in the presence of fire that would arise upon the altar. Illuminated by the glow of the divine presence, their union would be sealed before the whole universe, are considered from this act, one flesh. This union begets life, would be a perfect symbolism of eternal union with the human being, because of the Savior's sacrifice. With these guidelines and instructions of the Eternal, it became clear to those young pretenders to marriage, that the only acceptable offering, which could bring the blessing of true unity, it would be a sacrificial lamb. Amid the jubilation of the family, the light of Yahweh dissipated Him out into their eyes. In the light of the altar, they remained cheerful while talking about that future happiness beckoning them that was now so close.

The sun finally came, bringing in its warm rays of a dawn breeze to gentle kiss their face with the scent of Eden bringing them to mind the emotions of that first dream of Adam. Walking through the fertile fields under the shadow of the hill, the little family, following instructions of the Eternal, had to draw the boundaries of their homes. Cain, being the eldest, chose the flowery fields that stretched to the right of the home of his parents; they, very soon, would help them build their altar. While Cain and his companion remained within the limits of their future home, making plans for their future, Abel and his younger sister followed in the footsteps of their parents until they reached the fields that stretched to the left of the altar of Adam. They were happy because in their pastoral occupation, they always found green pastures watered by soda fountains.

After defining the sacred place of the altar, where in the heat of the first calls would live a more intimate union, Abel and his companion strolled happy through their fields where lambs grazed; The exalted ones loved the great Yahweh that would marry humanity in eternal covenant of life. If you would sacrifice a lamb in the person of the Messiah, to shed His blood atoning sacrifice.

The dawn of the first day of the week finally awakened those engaged for a week where there would be plenty of activities: They should build altars and prepare their new homes. They began working with spirits, aided by parents. After plowing and prepare certain places, gathered the stones with which carefully constructed altars. Then they prepared their homes, planting shrubs to serve as a protective wall. Such preparations were extended until the fifth day. Now awaiting the sixth day, when the offer to prepare the altar - that offer in its acceptance would unite in holy matrimony. The light of the sixth day finally dawned, bringing a significant day for that family. Cain and Abel, along with their companions, had been taught from childhood on the path of obedience. They had also received direct guidance of the Eternal with respect to the true sacrifice. Now, were observed by all intelligent beings of the vast universe, that day of trial. It called attention to the painful path of the lamb, and would be united in marriage in a solemn significance. If rejecting to follow His instructions, then it would not meet the approval, nor able to receive the blessing. Abel and his younger sister, walked happily toward the flock, and chose the most beautiful lamb, taking it as an offering to the Eternal.

Meanwhile, Cain and his partner, with determination addressed the orchards, picking there the most beautiful fruits and flowers, to offer upon the altar. Eternal and his subjects were saddened over the attitude of Cain. The offer prepared, consisted of a demonstration of rebellion before the plan of redemption. Rejecting the sacrifice of blood, were belittling the only way by which humans could return to paradise of eternal life.

The sun finally fell on the horizon, bringing in their afterglow, as a last appeal to the young Cain, the memory of his steps that evening when he returned home. What was retained in the jungle that night, was not the light of the sacrificial lamb. This memory plunged him into deep inner struggle. Would God accept his offering of flowers and fruits?! Is not it better to go back in their footsteps, taking a lamb to the altar? Invisible to the eyes of Cain, legions of angels sought to influence him in his solemn decision. In his spiritual struggle, came close to abandoning his plans, but his pride finally repelled this option: it would be humiliating to those heights, confess to his sister and her family, the inconsistency of his self-created religion.

While gazing at the horizon the last glimpse of afterglow, Cain breaking the appeal of the Eternal Spirit, reaffirmed himself in his decision: would offer flowers and fruits in place of a lamb, ushering in a new kind of worship that certainly could be accepted by the Eternal. Darkness slowly lowered over that hill to cover it like a thick blanket. The moment was indeed important because decisions of life and death were manifesting themselves. What was at stake in this human positioning, was the fate of the universe. In the footsteps of rebellious Cain and his companion saw the followers of the Eternal as a great danger that could complicate and endanger the success of the plan of redemption. They became aware that night, that Satan and his hosts, seek to lead humanity to erroneous forms of worship, based on human philosophies attractive as those fruits and flowers picked by Cain, but in essence it would be a denial of the only way of salvation, represented by death of the lamb and their marriage to it.

That night, two new couples, moved by the deepest longing, presented themselves before the Creator with their offerings. They were accepting a heavenly drawing for them to a path of happiness, in response to their most cherished dreams. Their union in the light of the altar, to bring them a glimpse of the future glories - those that will be enjoyed by the redeemed - the joy of being forever married to the Redeemer, the Lover and Spouse of the human soul. Not approving the offer, would bring bitter disappointment. As well as not receiving the blessing of the Creator, they would realize they are treading a path of rebellion, disconnected from the Author of life.

It was with a mixture of joy and sorrow, that Adam and Eve went to the altar that night, testifying about the same sheep for sacrifice. After so many years together with their children, in which by word and example, sought to show the way of salvation, now gathered together the responses of obedience and disobedience. They were happy to Abel, and sad toward Cain. What else could he do for his rebellious son? In a last attempt to make him recognize his error, by taking Cain in his generous holding arms, holding him clear up to the looming up of the altar of Cain. The noble parent, tears bathing his face, pleaded with his son to take one lamb for sacrifice. If you accept his entreaties, would arise the fire of divine blessing, otherwise remain immersed in darkness.

Cain arrogantly spurned the offer of his father, claiming that his altar would never be tainted by the blood of innocent animals. Wounded by rebellion and ingratitude of his son, Adam returned to his altar, where Eva along with himself continued interceding for the future of their children. The moment of trial arrived. The entire universe was attentive. At the heart of all the children of light was a mixture of joy and sadness: joy for the offering of Abel, and sadness for confirmation in the way of Cain's rebellion. Like his father, Abel stood with his trembling hands, a lamb unresisting. From childhood they clung to these innocent and pure animals, seeing them as a symbol of the Savior. His attachment to the lambs, led him to become a pastor. He shuddered at the thought of having to sacrifice one little pet, but knew no other way to approach the Eternal. Only his death could unseal the flame of acceptance, blessing for their heavenly marriage. He witnessed from childhood the painful act of sacrifice, but now, when his own hands should strike the blow, he hesitated. He was taken by deep anguish at his duty, and bowed his forehead into inconsolable tears.

Cain, moved by the desire of the union would follow the flame of victory, raised his hands over the flowers and fruits, invisible on the altar in darkness. Secure the divine approval, turned his eyes to heaven, and beheld the glow of the stars. He was glad to know that in response to his offer, another star would appear to unite those with their brilliance. Adam with his hand raised in prayer crying, lamented the destruction of Cain. The Lamb rejected why? What could he have done more to make him understand that his way was the sin? Sure we had exhausted all means to help you; Adam tilted his head after striking the killing blow. The flame of acceptance immediately lit his face marked by tears. Comforted by the glow of the flame that burned on the altar of his father, Abel a painful effort raised a hand carrying the knife death - who in his fall unvailed to them the undeserved blessing, after causing the pain.

While still remained pale and trembling and hesitant in his darkness, Cain across the flame burning on the altar of forgiveness of his father, claimed by the divine light. He was confident to be pleasing the Creator with his offering, and prayed: - Lord, Creator and King Universal Thy kingdom is light and joy Thou art victorious like the sun traverses the sky, involving all nature with its robe of light, causing it to awaken colorful, thriving in life. The you that you do with your love shine on, uniting under rays your life, bring you these flowers and fruits that are products of that union. Accepts them as symbols of our victory, and shine upon our altar flame of eternal blessing."

Abel, moved by a deep heart pain, finally thrust into the lamb that instrument of death, making him fall asleep forever. The momentum in the blow, causing the lamb to fall to the ground where it lay dying, reflecting on the meaning of that sacrifice. He could now understand the agony that his father experienced in all those nights of sacrifice. Cain that silent waiting to answer his prayer, was unsettled by the delay. His restlessness finally became desperate, after seeing the blessing develop from the call of blessing down upon the altar of his brother. Then Taken by emotions of sadness and anger, shouted to the heavens: Lord, Lord, did you not hear me? Do you not answer me? His entreaties, however, brought no response beyond a hollow echo, lost in the darkness of that night. Beaten by the shame of the tragedy, Cain fell, wallowing in inconsolable tears. Satan rejoiced to witness the despair of Cain that with groans cursing the Creator for not having spoken out through the altar blessing. Celebrating to have got through deception of his own religion, Cain led again before the Universe to manifest his rebellion. Satan also was glad to see that Cain was not alone in his fall, but he had his sister follow in his footsteps.

Now he would fight to keep them captive in his power, making them sworn enemies of the Eternal and his followers. The Creator, although saddened by the disobedience of Cain, rejoiced in being able to honor before the universe that obedient couple, the sacrificial lamb, saw the promise of a Redeemer to be born in the future redemption of all sinners who would accept it. Abel and his companion after consoling themselves over the pain of the blow, bathed by the warm rays of that flame, united in sublime act of love, one that could generate life. Punished, Adam and Eve who had predicted the harsh disappointment of Cain and his companion, attracted by their moans, fumbled in the darkness until they came up to the lifeless altar. The noble parents, driven by a great desire to change their luck, tried to convince them to offer a lamb, yet time was opportune for them and if they wanted to, they could seek the pasture of the flock, taking a lamb to the altar.

Driven by pride, Cain and his sister rejected the advice of parents who only wanted their happiness. His crying, brooding over his bitter disappointment, Cain remained the rest of the night to wallowing there who was the favorite son - the one who will not accept anything from childhood. Why would he be more worthy? Why would enjoy greater privileges? Inspired by the evil spirit, when the sun was just dawning, Cain began to devise a terrible crime. Said to him: - If I am not worthy to live in the light of divine blessing, neither will my brother, I will wait for the opportune moment to clear your eyes all the glitz of happiness.

The sun finally dawned with a light that revealed the upset face of Cain. What a change! Not now showing his happy eyes at dusk. All hosts of light were concerned with the unfortunate situation of Cain. They knew that in his decisive rebellion, Satan would sink increasingly greater despair into him. The Creator, knowing the evil plans of Cain expressed to him at dawn, in order to help him understand his need. Invisible to the rest of the family, the Eternal spoke to Cain and extended His helping hand toward him, asked him: - Son, why are you so angry? In response, Cain pointing to the altar covered with flowers and fruits, replied: I'm hurt that you have not accepted this offer which I offered so faithfully. With words full of compassion, the Creator explained to him again human need of salvation, which could be attained only through His sacrifice, which was symbolized by the immolation of the lamb.

He told him that his offer of gratitude could only be accepted after the blood sacrifice. Conformed not to the words of Eternal, Cain sought to justify himself. His words, however, revealed that the great grief of a wounded pride, were finally interrupted by final counsel of Yahweh, which extended him a unique opportunity to break away from their spiritual bondage: - There is only a path Cain, that path is of sacrifice. If you proceed as your brother, will also be accepted and blessed with the flame of blessing; If, however, you proceed to evil you shall have sealed your fate in the jaws of death. He solemnly affirmed after these words the eternal farewell to his son, by becoming invisible.


After the words of Eternal, Cain plunged into the most terrible inner struggle. On one side of Satan and his hosts struggled to stop him in his slavery, the other Yahweh and his hosts, sought awaken that heart in struggle, recognizing the only path to salvation. Cain, restless in his thoughts and tortured by the weight of responsibility resting upon them, as his steps would be followed by many other came sometimes to think of surrender, taking for himself a lamb. But that thought was soon banished, replaced by another of hatred and revenge. In his agonizing struggle, when the sun had walked to the west announcing another dark night, overcome by pride Cain took the tragic decision: Never accept the plan of redemption symbolized by the lamb on the altar. This decision, which arrow painful tore the heart of the Eternal and his hosts. Making them prostrate in mourning for the sad destruction of that beloved son. It was terrible to think that many in the great conflict unfolding the throne of the universe, they would follow the footsteps of Cain.

Ceasing to battle, Cain rose up with a smirk on his lips. Would not have more conflict in his consciousness! There would be more disturbed by the idea of sacrifice! Fight now, and build with their wisdom and strength, a haven of peace and prosperity. Another night came, bringing with their darkness insomnia a crazy adventure, inhuman and cruel, which was now planned by Cain. With heart dominated by evil, told himself that night, which was the first of the week: - Once daybreaks he will visit the home of Abel. Pretending to be sorry, I will ask him a lamb for my altar. I will ask him to accompany me to the flock that overnight in distant pastures, I know he will gladly serve me. When in our footsteps, we find ourselves far from home, I will understand the pain felt by lambs. After I kill him, I will hide in the forest, far from the reach of your partner's eyes and their parents. Then will celebrate his end, joining to my companion, as he did after the death of the lamb.

When you see the sunset - the one with your afterglow no more, I will bring Abel to my home with my sister and flee to the valley where I once went, and there never return to this hostile hill where lambs perish without guilt. We walk so until we reach the cradle of light, which extends in the plain of Eden. Righteousness separated away from the entreaties and advice that his father made intolerable, offer to the Eternal of light, cults of flowers and fruits: products that are born under its glow. The sun hides its march, announced the distant horizon the signs of dawn, a glare that is reflected by a cloud, made her like a cloak bathed. He apologized saying he would keep his purpose to never stain the altar with the blood of innocent animals, but to fulfill the divine will, sacrificing a lamb to achieve the blessing on their marriage, but would do it in a distant field in private. After fulfilling this commitment, would return to her, and would thereafter become one flesh.

Abel rejoiced that morning next to his loved one with a smile he awakened as from a dream, reclined his chest where a heart beat which he could not imagine, see that day, in a last ditch effort, the sap of life, never to return to him. Abel would like a lamb on the altar. After a stick as the instrument of death, Cain took steps that moved him by a decision and that decision would not be revoked He passed the house of their father, approaching the home of Abel where even at the foot of the altar, stood with his companion, exchanging vows of eternal love.

In love's tender gaze, Abel, under the glow of dawn brought a reminder to that girl that stirred there. Stroking her face covered by his beard which soft wool, her lips trembling with emotion, he whispered: - Honey, your look is to me like the look of a lamb: brings me security, peace and hope. I am grateful to be able to contemplate these eyes that shine that love to me! All I want is that they never close to me! With excitement Abel kissed his partner after she heard his words of affection, and replied with a smile: - Honey, the only death can close, but even death cannot separate them forever, for the eternal dawn, they will open for you with a glow that will never be undone by this shadow! Abel said these words, when steps were heard of Cain coming.

Abel consented willingly to Cain's request. Walking toward the flock, Abel asked his brother who waited there to take a fat lamb for his altar. Hearing no answer from Cain, Abel looked behind him, and was surprised to see that the countenance of Cain was upset and his eyes did not express gratitude, but anger. Abel turning to him, and asked him why he was unhappy. Yahweh told him that he loved Cain, and since he was determined to offer Him a lamb, their marriage would be blessed and would enjoy peace of soul. In response to the loving words of Abel, Cain said coldly: You are the lamb that I want to sacrifice." After making this cruel statement, Cain took of his inner wears a stone knife and advanced on his brother who besought him in shock, striking him a deep blow to the face. Blood immediately gushed like a lamb, making Abel tremble with fear. He would have received the day testifying life. While responding with a groan, he felt another blow and that violence in his toppled him to the ground.

In his mind stunned by grief, in a last effort of his conscience, remember those exchanged vows of love at dawn. On his death, he seemed to hear his beloved to tell him lips trembling with emotion: Honey, your gaze is like the gaze of a lamb ...; All I hope is that they will never be close to me! Revive so with effort, his last kiss accompanied by his promise that made her smile: Only the death can close, but even she cannot stop seeing forever, since the dawn of eternal day they will open for you with a glow that will never be undone by this shadow. He remembered after this oath of Love, Abel was ended by a fatal blow, and he plunged into darkness unconscious, sure that soon this shadow would be banned from their eyes, on the day of resurrection.

Cain only ceased to strike his brother, after making sure that he was really lifeless. Then dragged him into the forest, leaving him there covered with foliage and grass. Returning to his home, Cain showed to his companion the bloodstains on his hands, and said he had answered the divine request, sacrificing a lamb. Now were free to join in the Eternal's blessing. Overdue by carnal passion, then joined in the glow of that sun has not shone for Abel. When the sun tinged the horizon with its afterglow, Cain remembering his crime rose startled, and said to his companion that in his sacrifice, promised the Eternal of light present their flowers and fruits as an offering of gratitude for the blessing achieved. This offering should be offered in the currencies of Eden during the dawn. They needed, therefore to leave immediately for Eden. Without questioning the will of her husband, the young woman hastily gathered her clothes and offering of gratitude, and departed into the night. Cain was in a hurry because he knew that the absence of Abel that night would bring revelation of his crime, which he intended to always hide from his wife. Bathed by light from the afterglow, that young wife of Abel smiled, certain to hug her Abel before night.

Contemplating the sun in its decline over the meadows where she expected to see him come back, she fondly remembered dawn light revealed in the eyes of her husband, tenderhearted as a lamb. Moved by it to remember the order that you had a whisper: - All I want is your eyes to never close to me. She remembered his loving response: - Dear, only death can close them, but even this cannot close them forever, for the eternal dawn they will open for you with a glow that never is undone by this shadow. “With this memory, the young wife finally saw the sun dip into his tomb of death and life, with his last flare involving the plain and emptied her heart to throb with longing, also remained empty. Frowning with concern that young woman asked: - Why not come to me my beloved?

Driven by the desire for Abel, she ran to the house of their father, which imagined the encounter. Calling out, but heard no response beyond the noise of the footsteps of her parents, onlookers came to meet her, asking: - Daughter, you looking for Abel? He has not arrived yet? No, - said the daughter, now in tears, - he has not arrived yet! Although concerned, those parents embraced their daughter looking to console her, saying that he would soon be in your arms. In a veiled concern, then asked his daughter: - Some time ago he left?  Shortly after awaking at dawn - she responded. In this reply, followed a silence disquieting questions while trying to discern together in vain his figure bathed meadow under that last bit of light. Sighing deeply, Adam already suspecting a possible evil, asked his daughter: He came alone? Sobbing she said: - Cain awoke in the morning, asking for a lamb, and Abel went out with him.

Worried, Adam went silent and went into the house of Cain. Calling there for him, heard no response. Then broke through the foliage to the inside of that cabin, where he read the sad empty presage of a painful betrayal, confirmed in a robe stained with blood, just visible in the shadows. Overcome by anguish, Adam fell to the ground breaking into tears; But he did not want, however, to reveal his desperation to his daughter and wife who needed solace to overcome that sad night. Adam in a huge effort wiped tears and steadied him against his strong emotions, to hear footsteps approaching them. Outside, Eva and her daughter hopeful of finding there visiting Abel his brother, asked: - Is he there daddy? The hopeful voice of his daughter in the middle of that night, which was an arrow to his bleeding heart, and feared to answer their question. Finally, he walked toward his daughter, and seeing her suffering by the absence of her companion, tried to console her by saying: - Daughter, trust in the power of the Creator. He will take care of it, and bring the dawn! Words of comfort from Adam, however, far from softening the mourning of the young woman, dipped her heart in even more pain, making her relive memories on the promise of Abel uttered that morning, he had said that someday his eyes were erased by death, they would open for her at the dawn of eternal Sabbath.

Cain and his companion in his footsteps hurried to escape, finally came to the distant hill, immersed in the valley of darkness that never would deliver back to those suffering parents their rebellious children. Cain now, beside his wife, boasted and mocked the darkness, promising to undo it soon with his own strength. Overcome by fatigue, they fell to the ground, where they remained dormant until awakened by the dawn. Fatigue, continued the journey on the path of adventure, in steps that Cain did remember that walk interrupted by insecurity. How foolish he had been, he thought, to give ear to the voice of the angel guarding Eden! If they would have continued on their mission, possibly already they would have had a paradise bathed in eternal light.

Daylight faded when the fugitive couple reached the place of the valley of bones. Impatiently, Cain revealed that the sacrifices they needed were in Eden, where he met once with the angel. Having said this, he pointed to the left adding: - Let us go in this direction, because I do not want to meet him again. Taking her by the arm, walked fast, and enjoying the last light of the afterglow. When at last his steps could not be taken without difficulty because of darkness, he could see through the foliage a glow, more intense than the sun, stood for a moment, fading. Standing next to Cain, his wife, curious asked: Did you see that light? - Yes, Cain replied shaking. - What is it? At this question, Cain did not answer, simply took her by the hand and said: - Let us return. Let us flee from the light that can kill.

Without understanding the mystery, the young wife followed quickly, here and there, were prevented by tripping or being to the ground. In their escape, however, they failed to dodge the glare that came before them stronger in their eyes than before. Amazed, while trying to escape in a last ditch effort in another direction, were arrested by a strong hand, revealing his eyes and revealed before them the face the Eternal, brighter than the sun. Not knowing how to face Him in His light and justice, Cain feared being punished for his crime, he bowed his head in his hands. The Creator then asked him earnestly: - Where is Abel your brother?! How strongly He insisted on this question, Cain embarrassed by having to confess his terrible crime before his companion, who wanted to hide, simply replied - I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?!

Outraged by this lying response, contempt and recklessness, the Eternal told him firmly: - What did you do Cain? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now - continued Yahweh - The earth will be damned that received the innocent blood of his brother. With His voice full of sadness, the Eternal continued: - To this day, the cover of blessings, prospering your labor on earth, giving you pleasure in this realization, since now, I cannot bless you anymore, because of the spontaneous rebellion by you, closed channels to this blessing. Therefore, you will always walk on this cursed land by your own fault, and now a fugitive from the light of His face that always smiled his forgiveness and salvation now he will receive the effect by defiance to topple the eternal night.

After revealing his sad and hopeless situation, the Creator raised his voice, and wept bitterly. Hard to dismiss the death that His son loved, by the insistent rebellion that had sealed their eternal destiny. Cain trembling, gripped by fear and horror for their deplorable condition, desperately cried out to Yahweh: Lord come back! Give me a blessing! Moved by His infinite love, the Eternal became to shaking Cain who spoke of his fear: I'm afraid of the dangers of the forest, and those who want to look me in the future to avenge the blood of my brother that I spilled." The Creator had compassion on Cain , promising him protection.

As a sign of this promise, He stroked his face, making his abundant beard disappear. Later this gesture of loving father caressing her son even in eternal departure, Cain saw disappear before his eyes the glare of that face bathed with tears, produced by their ingratitude. A night of despair and tears were finally banned by the glow of a new dawn with its light to reveal sadness even greater.

Even before the sun showed its face on the eastern valley, a young widow with her parents rushed across the fields toward the pasture where the herd was grazing in those days. With his heart still pounding hope they saw in the distance the herd. Summoned there for Abel, but their voices brought no response beyond a hollow echo. Their eyes then discerned through the tears, the marks of pain, that lawn crumpled and covered in blood. Overwhelmed by sadness, they painfully followed the bloodstains, until they found his body torn, grass covered and flies. Faced with this scene from terrible humiliation, they raised their voices in cries of fear, unable to bear the pain of separation. These noble ones remained in agony, until they saw the sun fall over in his most melancholy evening. Now how painful was the thought of having to return home, leaving behind the beloved Abel falling apart in his cold night. Remembering his childhood, when his bed covered him with love, promising to wake him at dawn with a kiss, those parents with a painful effort the covered him again with that grass, knowing that at the dawn of the eternal day would kiss him in their joy after this.

Struggling, they finally left that place already taken over by the night and touched up toward those empty houses whose walls would no longer be a flowering joy for them. Overcome by the horror of the last revelation, Cain's wife bowed low in fainting, comes to awaken shortly after the Eternal left them. His wife, in the darkness, remembered the terrible revelation of God, and was possessed of great fear. She feared not only darkness, but mostly for Cain. She thought to scream for help, but who would save her? Dominated by these feelings, she was attentive, waiting for dawn that revealed beside her the sleeping body of someone who did not look like Cain. Startled, fearing to wake him, walked a few steps away leaning against a tree trunk, where she remained until she saw him raise his smooth face, calling her.

Recognizing the voice of her husband, she moved into his direction, but soon stopped dominated by fear. Inquiring into her heart about the mystery of his face now smooth, said: I am afraid to approach you! After expressing her fear, revealed another higher fear:  I'm also afraid to run away from you! Rising with a smile, Cain asked her: Why do you fear me?  Why fear death, he replied to her affliction. - I also, until yesterday, was like you, afraid of death, Cain told her. - Now you do not fear more? Inquired his wife. - Do not fear, Cain replied, rubbing his smooth face. But you are taking away my fear? She asked him meekly, fearing to get even closer, seeing your face now smooth?

This is the sign of a promise made by the Eternal. - What promise? Asked his companion, now finally approaching without fear. Cain spoke to her of the promised blessing and confirmed that signal, which would share it too, if followed in his footsteps. Would not find safety and life, however, going into him. Comforted by the promise of guaranteed protection in the smooth face of her husband, the young woman followed a long contour walk to Eden. Planned to transpose it, reaching the eastern valley that stretched beyond its impenetrable meadow; The couple would build an altar establishing their new home.

Cain and his companion on their journey finally reached a valley covered by dense forest stretched eastward of paradise. They looked at the hostile environment that would have caused fear, because of the promise, was not marked on the face of Cain. Craving to find beyond a better place, built a provisional altar where at the dawn of the first day of a new week, offered to the Eternal revealed the face of the sun, flowers and fruit - symbols of fertility.

Under the light of dawn teamed up again at the ceremony commemorating victory have found that thought. After joining his wife, Cain raised them before the altar dedicated to the Eternal represented by the sun, your home. Asked that became fruitful to give many children the right to contemplate his face shining. Cain concluded his prayer of consecration, with a promise confirmed by a sign, saying: If you look on our supplication, bringing in thy brightness fertility build altars where we walk in honor of you, where we worship with offerings of gratitude. As a token of our allegiance, to consecrate your worship, this day we joined up under your light, which we'll call you by your name: The SUN DAY.